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Posts posted by Karl_Hungus

  1. also, the camera on this phone is a joke. every pic is blurry.... don't get me started on the video camera...ugh.


    AND, Verizon only released ONE official update for the phone and it did very little. in a desperate attempt to make this thing usable, i downloaded some 'leaked' update for this thing that temporarily made it run about 5% smoother.


    To date, Verizon has leaked about 20 updates but I'm still yet to receive a second official update.


    I know i've been on a soapbox tonight bitching about this "smartphone" but tonight was the absolute nexus of my frustration.

    • Like 1
  2. Anthony Bourdain is the homie. The guy is about as real as a tv host can get. The culinary/foodie community is real snobby and he basically said fuck those guys.


    He talked a buncha shit about Rachel Ray and Emeril (both of whom have no culinary training which leads to much less respect in the culinary scene) and essentially got the boot from the Food Network.


    Typically, I like people but fuck Rachel Ray. She annoys me like no other person I have ever crossed paths with. Something about her just pisses me off...


    Here are 10 reasons why Rachel Ray should die:


    1. She talks with her mouth full.


    2. For some unknown reason, she feels the need to add "hee hee" to the end of every sentence.


    3. She uses the word "Yum-O".


    4. I think she shops exclusively at Old Navy.


    5. She uses the abbreviation E.V.O.O. and then explains to you that it stands for Extra Virgin Olive Oil.


    6. Her number one money saving tip on $40 a day is to stiff the waiter on the tip, after she used a coupon.


    7. Nobody is that happy all the time.


    8. She travels the world pinching pennies thus giving the world even more reason to hate the United States.


    9. Her tits are crap.


    10. She takes up valuable Food Network hours that could be spent watching Sandra Lee or Giada DeLaurentis...bitch has a five-head (and possibly extra teeth) but damn she is fine. Titties like whoa...



    Back to Anthony Bourdain....


    Usually, this would end the career of most but dude still had a contract that FN would have to pay. The Travel Channel (offshoot of the Food Network and owned by the same ppl) created his new show called "No Reservations".


    It's a pretty decent representation of the global food scene for corporate TV. The San Francisco episode was aight so I can personally vouch for the show. After all he did hit up Red's Java and the taco trucks on INT in Oakland.


    Oh, and he wrote a pretty good book called called Kitchen Confidential. It really exposed a lotta restaurant insider info that'll make you think twice about eating a restaurant. I didn't dig the drysnitching on some shit but fukkkkk, now I think twice about some of my dining choices (when sober)

  3. The BB Storm is the single worst phone I've ever had. I would seriously rather have a zack morris phone than this piece of shit. I made the mistake of buying this phone with the mindset that it would be good for work. I just need something that'll let me get emails on the phone and let me reply with ease. This phone can't even get that right. The screen just freezes up and won't let you do anything...often.


    The web browsing on the phone is a joke. It takes FOREVER to load and the controls are incredibly complicated.


    I like the coverage that VZW provides so I decided to stick with them based on ATT's service I used to have. The iPhone is notorious for dropped calls and the BB Storm has not done much of that...


    I absolutely hate this thing and I'm stuck with it for the next 21 months. I am going to pay the cancellation fee because I hate this thing so much and go with ATT and the iPhone.



  4. because most people come to sf on vacation and see the surface for a week, visit the hipster areas because they are hipster faggots too and think that's what sf is all about. you're from sf, you know what it's really all about. don't let the hipsters and the faggots who worry about that scene know about our secrets. :D




  5. If it wasn't for that daggering link I would be negging the thread starter

    seriously, just because you discover some semi underground electro dj/producer doesn't mean we didn't already know about him, and therefore you can put that shit in mixtrader


    Diplo is hardly underground...

  6. I think Obama said he's putting a stop to the feds raiding the Cali dispensaries.


    Are they still getting raided?


    Nope. Since he's been in office there has only been one situation where the Feds got "involved". Their involvement was supervision only.


    Obama laughed off the question during the 'town hall' discussion simply because it's too controversial right now. Eventually, I think he'll support states making their own rules for medical weed.


    In CA, this is one of the only industries showing "growth" <nopun>.


    People in the industry are making a KILLING right now...like I said, it's a multi-billion dollar industry and I think its really gone too far to put a complete end to things.


    Shit, the city of Oakland taxes dispensaries directly now. It was a request by the dispensary owners themselves... Could be the first thing Oakland has done right in a looooong time.


    Those looking for a new hustle should watch this movement closely.

  7. super high me..


    remember the statistics in that movie....


    started off with a few dispensaries at first...by the end of the movie there were over a hundred.


    The latest estimate I head was over 700 in CA alone. 500 in LA alone! Some are private, some are public.


    A few have been shut down in LA lately due to the 'hardship clause' loophole being shut down but it's still fair game for opening up shop in some areas of CA and beyond.


    Super High Me was really interesting. Overall, I think it did a good job of showing the true effects of weed....Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't I catch a Pandasex tag in there somewhere? In the Oakland part I think?


    Also, for those who are sweatin' the whole being documented thing...do you really think uncle sam could do anything about it at this point? I mean fuck, what if they 'went after' every person who bought a sack from a dispensary? That would literally cost BILLIONS to get that done and local governments just don't have that kind of $$$. I really don't think there's much to sweat about seeing as the industry has really developed over the last few years.

  8. its the stupid hippy protestors that ruin everything. your making weed look bad!!!!


    ^^ True. Hippies should die.


    Federally, weed is illegal. Medical isn't even in their vocabulary.


    State law in CA: "legalized" weed for medical purposes with prop 215 in 1996. The three words 'any other illness' basically kicked the doors open for medical weed. Since it is up to a doctor as to whether or not weed will help said ailment, some docs will write an Rx for just about anything...as long as you have the $100 for the consultation.


    In regards to the raids, I'm guessing you're referring to the situation in the SF Mission district a few months ago. It was not a raid, the collective simply grew too much. They broke the STATE law which brought in law enforcement and the feds just supervised. Note in all the video of the scene, they never spoke once.


    The Obama administration (specifically Eric Holder) went on record saying the medical marijuana issue should be left up to states to decide on. It remains illegal federally, and are only going after those who break BOTH state and federal law.


    Colorado, California, Michigan and Rhode Island already have a system in place that allows for store fronts to distribute weed for a 'donation'. This $$$ covers the cost of operations for creating the product. Other states have medical marijuana laws, but they need clarification.


    Will this ever be legal? The short answer is yes. It's an estimated $14 Billion industry that's already in place, there is just no way broke ass cities and states can ignore the potential revenue. I just don't know when....


    My prediction is, the Fed will let states decide on how to tax and regulate the product much like Texas does with alcohol. California will be the first to pass it, and the medical states will soon follow.


    Why do I know so much about this you may ask...because I want to work in the business someday. I see it mirroring the alcohol industry as long as big corporations don't get involved. There are a lot of contradicting laws and grey areas, but this business has a lot of potential.

  9. yes i'm new (to 12ozp, born and raised in the SF). yes i'm a e-toy. NO, i'm not one-time


    flame away, i don't care.


    in the sake of graf news in SF, did anyone hear about Newsom's "genius" plan to give little tattle tale bitches $250 for turning in writers? i caught the tail end on TV and didn't find much online.


    anyone gotta link?

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