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Posts posted by VEE.THE.VIPER

  1. Something about superheroes having some obligation because of their powers.


    I forget how it goes, but that's you. You're obligated to putting this out there.


    With your haiku ass shit, I think Nietchze covered it also. It's an obligation.

  2. if you're looking for an open face helmet that's not DOT, just buy the cheapest one you like the look of. Get a size too small and rip out the padding to avoid the whole Marvin the Martian deal. Paying $100 for a brain bucket doesn't make much sense to me. I got mine for $15.

  3. I'm walking by a group of bro's outside a bar, I'm wasted. I'm looking at them with this rediculous grin on my face, amused by their pre-distressed jeans and frosted-tip hairdo's and whatnot. One says to me, he says, Whut the fuck are you lookin at? I don't reply, I just stop and look even more confused, trying to focus. I'm really fucked up. Three of them square up on me, first one says, There's three of us, better get movin pal. I bitch slap him perfectly. By that I mean I had a powdered jelly donut in my hand. I figure these guys are soft. Wrong.


    Now I'm on the ground, against a wall. I figure these guys aren't used to rat-packing and I got a second to get it together. Wrong again. I quickly discern from the rythmic riverdance on my skull these guys have done this before. Fuckin every bro is a UFC fighter these days. I get up and start eye-jabbing blindly for some reason, hoping I'll hit. I hear, AAAH MY EYE! and think, yes! I am still losing in this trade however. Cops rush us and the bros drift off, and I let myself fall. They ask me the usual, I spot an older cop with a big red bushy old-timey cop mustach standing back a bit and say, I'm justa drunk irish idiot and sometimes we fight. He looks at me for a second and says, let him go. I stumble downhill because I figure that's the only way I'm gonna get anywere anyhow.


    I call my girl and tell her I got jumped. She says I deserve it because I was probably at a strip club and hangs up. I don't even like jelly donuts.

    • Like 2
  4. I rode a rigid kicker for five years. I loved it, but I sure as fuck wouldn't do it again.


    I'm saying, a swingarm is better than a softtail. Of course a softtail is better than a rigid. And if you don't like roadkings don't get one.


    But if we're gonna get real here, save your money and buy a jap bike.

  5. I'd go with a Nighttrain if I went with a softail, which I aint. If your looking for comfort I'd go with a Roadking or some other swing arm model. The softtails aren't the best for your back.


    And anyone calling a sporty a girls bike that ain't got a bike needs to get a sporty.

  6. The fairings must be a California thing, because I never see them in Texas.

    And I do all of my riding, including long ass trips, with apes and never have had a windshield.


    Edit: Co-sign on the V-Rod.


    I'm with you on apes as well, you won't catch me with a fairing. Schwartzenneger (however the fuck you spell it) legalized apes above shoulder height. But the pull back risers look tough with internal wiring, and I recently sold my Shovel to get a dyna.


    The worst is the baggers with speakers playing Tupac. Unless it's the Dragons, of course.


    Or the Niners.

  7. All I'm saying is that they are a fucking 1%er motorcycle club.

    The types of bikes they ride is a big part of a MC.

    Nobody rides Dynas with fairings. Nobody.



    now count the dynas with fairings.


    I think they look like cheap plastic, but if you're riding long distances, comfort is a priority. That's why ideally you'd have your long distance runner and your cool looking bar hopper. Although the factory bikes are looking a little better these days (except the v-rod).

  8. most younger guys these days ride stock dynas with the fairings and pull back drag bars. The ones in the show are manufactured by a club guy. As much as I'd like to see a bunch of old fat guys riding rigid shovelheads, that'd be as unrealistic as the rest of the show. Shit, they'd be wearing full face helmets if it came down to it. Or rocking a Road King with some vans on.


    I love the show. It's my favorite comedy. Henry Rollins with a chicken foot tat FTW.

  9. whats really good punk ass motherfuckahz?

    How you bitches been?

    PM me on the next piecing battle ya turd fuck ass wipes..

    Thanks ass holes.

    Love ta burn yall to ashes soon ya fuck turd shit faces.




    outline, wildstyle. fuckit, computer style. pick a word.


    me an you motherfucker, just me an you.

  10. VEE, did your case go all the way to trial? In my county only 5% of cases go all the way to trial most are settled before then. When the other party has a attorney it is unlikely that they will not show to court.

    I do not plan on using an attorney. I have dropped around 10k on lawyers already and have not been impressed with what they have been able to do. The simple fact of the matter is that I know my case better than anyone. I am not well written but I am well spoken and can keep my cool in a court room.

    As fucked up as my situation is to qualify for pro bono things need to be really far gone. For example there have been threats of murder in my case, to get pro bono rep there pretty much needs to have been a attempt, and not only that but one that was documented and backed up with police reports etc...


    We went to court, she didn't show. You may be able to settle things in "mediation", if you haven't been through that. I payed two lawyers and wasn't impressed by either one, but in California thet have a family affairs office that will make sure your paperwork is filled out correctly. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT.


    Also, once again, KEEP COOL. Make it early to each appointment and court date. My case was thrown out twice, both times I fought to get it reinstated and eventually won. Even though I was fighting a felony case in the same building at the same time. It's very difficult for the father to get custody, but it happens.

  11. I would suggest fighting as hard as you can, and fight dirty. You may not want to fuck with your kids mom like that, but if it is in the best interest of the kid, do it. If you want partial custody, fight for full custody.


    I told my kids mom I would pick her up before court, and didn't. I also told her I'd remind her of the court date, another lie. I made sure court was far away from her home, even though she could have insisted the court was in her home county (which I lied about also.) Even when I was granted full custody, it wasn't over.


    It was the hardest thing I've ever done, but when it comes to your children, you do whatever it takes. Maintain your cool in court, and pray mom doesn't. Good luck, you're in for a rough one.

  12. I love how Optick clearly writes "Style speaks for itself" and folks are like monkeys with a shiny quarter, like "wow! He drew a tank! Sick!!"


    The lower right I to the arrow connection fucks with my head for some reason.


    I vote Optick.

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