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Everything posted by mu$tB.p02m

  1. o well in that case thats super cool dude!!
  2. why would you just keep antaginizing him to just keepp talkin shit with "cute" little quotes like that.:confused: :o
  3. sneak really man you dont have to say fuck someone every post dude your kinda just makin yourself look dumb. nice flicks mou"T"h. hahaha dey gonna just keep talking shit but i dont ever see their paint up anywhere!
  4. sneak stop bein dumb . take it to the pms if anything. slobe reeps temps
  5. wow that makes you look real big man cappin over someone on that level. he knows he dont he hes a king or nothin.....:rolleyes: :scrambled:
  6. n sneako space out n make your letters more readable maine.
  7. yeah you rite but i most people just draw for ideas and actually paint them y worry about posting drwaings get off your asses and fuck some shit up!!!:scrambled: :o
  8. having two names is dumb bump METWOO. haha o yeah n sneak you should battle that fag spaer11, that dudes wack.
  9. yeah dude those handies are pretty wack n yeah you should keep it more simple till you develop your style.:o
  10. not talkin shit but dude you know damb good n well you need to fix your shit to.:rolleyes:
  11. yeah well i guess thats between yall 2... i think he should if he talks it he should walk it.
  12. geeze well it seems that you cant say anything in this thread with out people trying to start shit. so does that make you dumb?...
  13. well i see what you sayin to stupid people say dumb shit but why the fuck do you care what other people say its YOUR shit not theres. but just dont come off the wrong way like that to me...
  14. yeah your probbly write it to complex for my dumb ass stick to the legal walls bitch made nigga...!
  15. bump those last throws n peices. but shouldnt be in this wack ass thread!!
  16. but i see where hes comin from topek man not beefin or anything you got color scemes down but it just seems like you need to use a little more spacing between your letters. sometimes simpler is better. just outsider input.
  17. say sneak_resq_zit... why dont you just stick to a word maine..! *paint..on..things*
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