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Sleeping Pills

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Everything posted by Sleeping Pills

  1. hahahhahaahaha silly lolooooololololololololol silly? lolololoolololol
  2. hahahaha why am i even laughing? shit do i need to take my schizo pills again? hahahahhhhahaa lololooolololol
  3. well that was like the 9th grader question anyway.. question?question?question?question?question?question?question?
  4. no way! i mean come on.. 3. What happens to a stream of alpha particles that is shot at a thin sheet of gold foil? (A.) All of the particles pass straight through (B.) A few of the particles bounce back at 180º (C.) All of the particles bounce back at 180º (D.) Most of the particles are absorbed by the foil (E.) None of the particles are deflected by more than 45º
  5. but don't two b's make an a+++? have i been fooled all my life?
  6. if you shine a flashlight on anything, and you can see the spot of light on it no matter how dim, then it's reflective. BOOYA! booya? 1. booya: A verbal expression of victory; usually derisive.
  7. but isn't the earth made up of 90% water? and isn't water a whole lot more reflective than dirt and gravel and trees and buildings?
  8. i used to know the answer, i took a class in astronomy once. oh well. the sun is green bitches. fuck a question any questions?
  9. i don't want a cookie anymore, i have a headache. why is the sky blue?
  10. where should i start? the daft punk concert, then san francisco, then walnut creek, then....... .................... .......... ?
  11. children? who said children? is this allowed? do children taste good? touch it bring it pay it watch it turn it leave it stop format it?
  12. am i eating cereal? isn't cereal hella good? orly? what? question? yeahhh?
  13. hi answer a question with another question superthread, isn't it just great to have me back?!
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