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Posts posted by pornoholic

  1. in all honesty jailbreaking is very over rated...yea i said it..its ok tho but id be fine either way, all it does is installe cydia which allows another option for an app store, but these apps allow you to customize themes buttons ect the only 2 apps worth the effort are cycorder (again over rated cause its wack) and winterboard which is the only tool iv found to be usefull most apps are free and very useless unless you're bored as shit (soundboards and lame attempts at sub par games) and some themes most of which look retarded and anything worth it, i.e emulators (gba nes ect) cost money anyway, bout 6 bucks or some shit then you gotta hunt for the bois crap...fuck i typed way too much.just do it shit takes 5 minutes youtube it or not its on you...no clue about tethering

  2. word, keep it real foolio, give props to those who influence you its only right. And i wanna see some original graffs from you, not atlas or whoever influenced graffs, that would be a real treat, peas pops.




    go back to vandal squad you fucking clown , and if yall ever take a chance to fucking learn how to read. fucking guy already said dozens of times atlas inspired it, yall need to stop acting like he cares what you think



    p.s. at the time the sketch in question was made , he messaged it to me on msn and even said him self it looks alot like atlas, and knowing full well it would get called out posted it..fucking guys just trying to share some shit thats all



    pps lumos is a fucking sexy ass savage that id gladly feed my first born too while i masturbate in the corner




  3. lumos does 450 cock pushups a day and he draws completly with his penis, true story...roughly about 15 years now and hes between 35-45 i do not want to give the exact age for personal reasons..and no lessons he sucked off the devil for skills..most people pay but hes a broke ass


    no joke







    okok i lie he does 400 cock pushups, rookie

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