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Everything posted by dutchguts

  1. san jose, sacramento, santa cruz, wherever the fuck you from post up. rep your ends
  2. fresno bakersfield modesto delano selma merced wherever the fuck u from post up. LA got a popin thread, SF got a poppin thread, lets get some big shit poppin amigos
  3. you know what it is. post up.
  4. dun. post up kids abandon this thread while us till have time to make it out alive
  5. fresno and sf are near enough to modesto and have better graff thats all im sayin prove me wrong post some flicks if u disagree
  6. if u want people to take u seriously the best thing u can do is a gold fill with a silver outline.
  7. lots of gossip and very little content. post up some fresno or sf flicks
  8. im just playin , super elitist, tight pant shaggy hair hipster bombin is where its at. its hard to be a big fish in a tiny ass pond, especially when u never leave. most those cats out there tryin to be someone they not by writing, maybe get a status bump at 80's night. haha i wont blow up the spot no more, dont let it offend u. die hipster. <3 jesse <3 bombing for the love
  9. shit...since he left the best thing to happen in pittsburgh was LD crew. hah anmd the 05 stillers. we'll miss u willy!
  10. dutchguts


    read this over to yourself...
  11. upper east side? hahah das an odd neighborhood to shout out, shit, i guesss u aint from uptown eh? aint nothin goin on in graff in the upper east side dawg, maybe some ancient gates that havent been buffed yet, that shits dead up there... i dont think nun these niggas fakin it.
  12. theres nothin funny about a stolen flick...yinz.
  13. dutchguts


    that joce might as well say jome
  14. mine or f word private message me
  15. that highspot says next to it... "dear mom, suns coming up, be home soon, love jesse". (2002)
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