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Everything posted by Ref

  1. Ref

    graf store locals

    thanks mate i wasnt planing on racking from a graf store if i found one
  2. Ref

    graf store locals

    well fuck all of you guys cept nasty shits
  3. hey where can i find some graf stores in the twin cities? i know i can rack shit from ace and such but what about caps and the like? thanks
  4. Ref

    kamikaze bandana?

    where can i order one of those kamikaze bandanas whith just the rising sun thing on it? all the ones ive seen say shit in japanes but i dont want that style man for that matter whats a good bandana site or sites? and some nice belts and buckles while im at it yeah
  5. this is some deep shit and yeah Kabar should write a book
  6. oh, makes sense know thanks man
  7. my bad im still very much a toy if you havent notice
  8. iaght thanks all of you and oink i checked most of the places that would sell spraypaint and i didn't see anything special, just stuff meant for home or consturction site use what now?
  9. so the best markers/pens are on the run pilot deco whats a mop? i never really got that and to oimkoinkoink i checked most of the places that would sell spraypaint and i didn't see anything special, just stuff meant for home or consturction site use what now?
  10. if you want to do a really good job ( something like ecko you know) you need a ton of stuff and time, i cant really rember it all but the book i saw it in was called sneaker freaker ($20 tops) and my friend pulled off some sweet shit reading that book yeah
  11. ill check that soon but im sure we got the generic shit like krylon im a thief if i need to be but never if i dont ink or markers, i us whatever i got toy question, what do you mean mop? i hear it alot but dont get it the idea for taking it on the plane was to buy good stuff in the states and bring it down to my place
  12. yeah. Nice ill try that well i going up to the states in less than a week so i can get whatever i need up there so i was wondering if you had a personel favorite brand of marker, or is it Deco Colors cool, just post the name here then? thanks
  13. what is the best inexpensive marker/pen thats good for graffiti? ive been practicing with crayola and shit, but i want to have to some good markers that will stay and be worthwhile for when im ready and stuff also i need to know if its dangerous at all to bring spray cans on a plane, not in your carry on or to do a throwie in the airport, but in your storage bag cause my friend said that if you do it, the cans will explode in the high altitude and shit but he says a lot of stuff i need this cause i live on an isalnd in the caribean ( no joke) and im going up to the states this summer and i wanna stolk up on all the things ill need thanks
  14. can most people on this site read other peoples stuff? cause for the life of me i can only read about 1/4th of the pics i see does that make me graffiti illiterate or is it being able to understand what the stuff says selective to the creator?
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