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Everything posted by DetroitWard

  1. Some cats with notable throws: PAK ARMY STORI PAID GRAY OTIS FAR Just to name a few.
  2. The reason I ever cared was cause people were talking shit just to talk shit. I don't usually express my opinions on such matters but the majority of us know and agree (I'm sure even he knows and doesn't care) that his shit is garbage regardless of how much ups he has so I don't see it as being an issue that I say one little thing. Now please fuck off. Found in Atlanta
  3. Putting in work or not it's still garbage. And that's a fact.
  4. That's actually a really good idea. Do they have edges instead of rounded sides? I remember my crayons rolling away and falling off the table and shit as a kid. Crayola on the forefront of innovating little kid art.
  5. Meh... Just be smart about it. I'll sell you some paint.
  6. Kosher and Eddie have nice hands. Post more if you got em.
  7. Bump that funky ass elmer up there.
  8. I'd also like to note that if it's faded and has a relatively fresh crab or don't hand sidebusting it then that's probably also another indication that you shouldn't paint over it. Haha. I'm not trying to stir shit up or cause drama I'm just speaking truth.
  9. I think a good rule if you're just starting out or haven't been in the game long enough to know an in-depth history of writers here is this - DON'T GO OVER ANYONE..... especially if it's faded. Does it seem odd that the piece is left alone in its current state of fadedness and nobody else painted there but everywhere around it? There's probably a reason for that. If you've never heard of them before, it doesn't always mean that they aren't worth leaving to see another day. You can't just give yourself the benefit of the doubt and believe that your toy ass knows everyone that matters or who really came before you. Chances are there are a nice handful of pieces out there floating around from oldschool cats that you never heard of and we as a community would much rather see those continue hanging around than be covered up by your toy garbage..... I mean you're really not impressing anyone with your badass graff skillz(which was likely your intention in the first place). Instead you're just showing how much of a dumbass you are and how little you know about the history of those that perfected this craft long before you even though it was cool. Also... If a piece is dissed out or fucked up and you haven't been painting for long or have a good rep for yourself it might not be a good idea to just go ahead and take that spot because of the fact that it was dissed out. In that particular scenario it makes it look as though you were the one that dissed it out or fucked it up just so you could come back later and say hey it was dissed out and take the spot. Just let it ride... especially if you can still make out what it says. Chances are that person will eventually come back and fix their spot anyway and if not then oh well. There are a million places to paint in this city. Ignorance is a sad sad thing, kids. Don't let yourself fall victim to it.
  10. Funny his name is kene... which I'm guessing is a play on words for KEEN. And Keen he is not. "Hmm I think I'll paint here. It's old and faded. It wont matter."
  11. Found in Cleveland dunno where this was caught
  12. Benched in Pennsylvania Link to the original Not completely sure but I think this was benched in Maryland
  13. ^^^ Hahaha that video is amusing.
  14. Check out this guy.... I guess his name is Jeff. What a dork.
  15. So wait... You're like 30 years old then? Didn't look that old to me.
  16. It's cool, Red. I actually asked porab about it the day I took the flick so that's how I knew.
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