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Everything posted by DetroitWard

  1. Nigga, what is your deal? Go away, kid.
  2. Not sure if I posted this one or not but whatever. Bump yogurt.
  3. :lol: that last flick. I forgot about that one.
  4. :lol: In your dreams, little man. Once again, I'm completely amused. For starters I'm amused that you would think I don't really paint with a lot of people on the regular besides eufoe for any reason other than Eufoe is a chill ass dude and he's not on some dumb shit thinking graffiti is a popularity contest like junior high school and I can't hang with the cool kids because my mom and dad can't afford to buy me 150 dollar jeans so that means I'm a loser and I can't sit at the cool kid lunch table. But to me it's more like good - you're wearing pants. Please continue to do so. Graffiti isn't that serious. I've said this so many times now. I'm amused that you believe everything you've heard. I'm amused that you think that I had shit to say about you when I was joking but you got mad took shit way too far. Once again, I'm sorry for that. Sheesh. And finally, I'm amused that you want to fight me, little kid. Gtfo.
  5. Quite the contrary, sir. I don't ever have shit to say to you or anyone. It seems like people have a lot of shit to say to me though. I'm simply doin my thing and will continue to. I really don't care. I post my flicks and let the comments roll. It's funny. Like a game almost. It's like, hmmmm let's see what they say next when I post this. It's so amusing. The more you talk about me, the more it just seems like I must be doing something right.
  6. I said "a lot of people" not every1 And we've been over this so many times before. Graffiti is self promo. :rolleyes: If I have flicks of graffiti to post then I'm posting them. It doesn't matter who produced said graffiti, Don't even waste your breathe cause I'm not changing for anyone. Sorry if I'm hurting your feelings by posting my own flicks once in a while though :lol:
  7. Pretty much everyone on 12oz does it. Even members of your own crew. Don't single me out because you're butthurt over me not doing graffiti the way you think I should. When are you going to realize that being a hater is is fucking gay? :haha: Besides, I post flicks of everyone's shit. Even yours.
  8. No diss. There wasn't a whole lot of wall space and you had that place all hit up so it wasn't like I was fucking up your game by any means.
  9. I've never understood how people can just lay down in the middle of the sidewalk and go to sleep. I don't care how fucked up you are. That shit is crazy.
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