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Everything posted by colorfullterrorism

  1. forgot this one... fuck it i will just repost it all together... new page.. JAZI VOSE DUME DERK WAYS PENNY LYNE :D
  2. pretty much done still needs some touch ups and a fighter pilot above the lyne.... wake? hit me up or jazi if ur still down for that.. AND FUCK PHOTOBUCKET FOR NOT LETTING ME MAKE MY IMAGES ANY BIGGER!
  3. LEAVING BABYLON got a flick of that dumevose on 83?...quality shit! LB!
  4. god damn that daver that you could read right side up and upside down....I remeber just standing there and looking at that shit forever.... Id write "fuck all yall" too after doin some shit like that... great flicks reminds me when i first started getting into writing... y2k ish
  5. did chad write chad ? or does that say somethin else? Jehad... wish you wasnt so busy!
  6. for those who dont know who martha cooper is and why its so dope she flicked that wall: Martha Cooper is an American photojournalist born in the 1940s. She was born and raised in Baltimore, Maryland where she picked up photography at the age of three.[1] She graduated from High School at the age of 16,[1] earned an art degree at age 19 from Grinnell College, taught English as a Peace Corps volunteer in Thailand, journeyed by motorcycle from Bangkok to London and received an ethnology diploma from Oxford.[1] She worked as a staff photographer for the New York Post during the 1970s.[1] She is perhaps best known for documenting the New York graffiti scene of the 1970s and '80s. While working at the New York Post, the return home at the end of the day consisted of taking photos of children in the city.[1] One day she met a child named Edwin who had introduced her to graffiti.[1] Edwin explained to her that Graffiti is an art form and that each kid was actually writing his/her nickname. Edwin then proceeded to tell of the Graffiti King and asked if she would like to meet him.[1] This is when Martha met Dondi_(artist) who was the first one who allowed her come with, while Dondi_(artist) was tagging she would take photos of his art.[1] In the 1980s she put together a book of photos illustrating the Graffiti subculture called SUBWAY ART.[1] She has degrees in art and anthropology[2]. She was a photography intern at National Geographic Magazine in the 1960s, and worked as a staff photographer at the New York Post in the 1970s. Her photographs have appeared in National Geographic, Smithsonian and Natural History magazines as well as several dozen books and journals. She is the Director of Photography at City Lore, the New York Center for Urban Folk Culture. Cooper lives in Manhattan but is working on a photo project in Sowebo, a Southwest Baltimore neighborhood. In the 1980's Martha worked briefly in Belize photographing the people and archaeological remains of the Mayan culture. Two sites that received publication in National Geographic were Nohmul & Cuello, both under the direction of Dr. Norman Hammond. -WIKIPEDIA
  7. NEW NSF WALL ON JUXTAPOZ.... http://www.juxtapoz.com/Martha+Cooper/8911-fresh-baltimore-walls flicked by Martha cooper
  8. "you just mad cuz im HEMAN" hahaha dude has some great quotes...
  9. not the same IME....not getting into details...if you know any OG members, ask them...in real life..not my buisness, just dont want to see ride bein ragged on..
  10. bump the utz chip girl with gun too haha! " I havnt been able to get automatic weapons since 9/11" -utz stand owner
  11. Hell yeah CEDA, DUME that shits dope... ive been scoing that highway spot so long! so far up! comin real correct.... bump JOCE, JAZI, RANDOM in DC on NY ave.
  12. pass that zeek on garrison all the time, always wanted to get a flick, cant remember what the girl wrote that did those faces?
  13. my homie MC UllNevaNo.... peep the hands
  14. yeah haha that word ETIQUETTE! FUCK! didnt know how to spell it... I think someone needs to EDUCATE me on some spelling....
  15. man are you still goin? are you seriously tryin to argue on this? this is the last thing im gonna say cuz it wasnt my shit, that spots it wack anyways, and didnt expect my comment to cause fuckin conniptions .... let me clarify to the "retards"... REGARDLESS IF A WALL IS LEGAL OR ILLEGAL THERE HAS ALWAYS BEEN EDUCATE NOT RULES BUT EDUCATE (ie: like a throw can go over a hand, a staright can go over a throw, a piece can go over all the above as long as you burn it, and if your shit gets dissed unless someone compltely roles that shit its not your place to paint over it) cuz then it looks like you dissed it and thats what happened to your bro and his wack ride bite... im embarrassed to be arguing with a 7th grader over a legal wall, i apologize for anyone who had to read this shit but it seems the youngins just dont get it ive seen it happen to to many places outside of this so called "spot".... ----END----
  16. ^fuckin agreed didnt expect a fucking freak out.
  17. excuse me?, their crew and not on anyones dick, i was just asking you a question you 7th grade little punk. i never did shit but try to help you out, how you gonna say some shit like that?! your brother didnt even cover the wall he left 80% of the wall visable... yeah....kids these days..:)
  18. it wasnt your brothers place to go over a freshly dissed piece regardless... but i guess that spot (because its legal) seems to not follow any sort of educate seeing that nothing rides longer than a week...
  19. yeah thats some wack ass shit right there... lyne went over that with some quality... why you bumpin that blocks? ur young man, dont step on too many toes or your gonna end up like spc when your older...
  20. HAHAHA painting during the day, at an illegal spot(?), naked, in the rain....
  21. bump shaed dbk... an those cave paintings have been there so long long....real dope.......but those marker hands make this thread look like shitttt!!!!
  22. i see your point but dissagree... got vose, dume ceda arab twine later joce jazietc. all bomb hard all do some dope pieces brh is really the only crew thats strickly bombing outside of jazi.. and they put in so much work talking shit is just jealousy... ... thats how it is in every city.... some bomb ,some just piece, some do it all, unfortunately not everyone is well rounded... baltimore isnt the only city like this...
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