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Everything posted by EGIEB

  1. it's not hard to get rusto for free... why would you pay a dollar even?:rolleyes:
  2. cause we have better things to do then surf the internet all day.
  3. some weak ass inventorys
  4. are you serious? almost everytime I paint it's an all nighter:rolleyes:
  5. EGIEB


    :rolleyes: another toy hating on what he cannot comprehend, world wont listen is dope, learn what you're talking about before you hate... or paint something you're self? why do 90% of haters on 12oz happen to not be writers.
  6. it's sad seeing so many fake head's in tko now, but other than that yeah runnin shit.
  7. damn, I was hoping it was only a rumor at first, RIP
  8. you can tell you're not in college, most people I know in college don't mistake sarcasm over and over. I bet you don't even have a name yet son, the kid with the marks a lot is 2 steps ahead of you:lol: :rolleyes:
  9. no such things as cant, except for people that do generic graffiti that are not writers:rolleyes:
  10. Re: Don't Call it Frisco bump that poem.
  11. jigaboos, you're dumb saying you're not supposed to experiment with stealing? how the fuck do you think all of us learned how to rack... kids like you are only useful for getting caught up, so the people that actually put it down in the streets are still out there.
  12. 1. you're not a writer 2. you don't work with politics you are still in highschool obviously:lol: I love when kid's pick up a can and draw some mushrooms and think they know what's up with writing... and this thread is exactly why toys get treated like shit everywhere else. because their stupid fucking kids that read the internet all day and think they know what's up with painting when they dont hit the streets.
  13. there is a lot of diff ways to take paint, of course I didn't take it all at once... but come on, gotta work the line up of stores. you can do drive offs with the little handbaskets, or you can go big in a store like walmart and bring bags in with you.
  14. got it last week in a few hours.. gotta make them trips
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