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Everything posted by nuksT2

  1. nuksT2


    ya it was almost and benoe they were sayin how bad they hated ibs bla bla bla and they capped their roller and shit...
  2. nuksT2


    ya bones you talkin about the yellow cheese looking roller they did...almost capped that and when i talked to him he said he was already into it with em they are goin down big fucking time whoever it is.i also got a call out next to a sly throw up hes got it coming for him to...
  3. nuksT2


    well they know who they are and ya if you want the beef then its w.e..
  4. nuksT2


    so is that a no, noone has any idea who ibs is?
  5. nuksT2


    i only cap dissed shit look close under all my throw ups you can see where its already been done im just going over them...
  6. nuksT2


    some more of my new throw-ups tonight
  7. nuksT2


    some shit done last night
  8. nuksT2


    ya i know im workin on a new throw up now love gave me that well i been paintin alot like 5 times a week with love, and boke and shit then last week they put me down in t2 said im gettin all the skills fast and shit...
  9. nuksT2


    anybody think my shits lookin decent?for only painting for like 3 months...
  10. nuksT2


    ya whats up im new to the board and new period been painting for like 3 months now.ill get some pics up as soon as i figure out how...
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