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Posts posted by beanshore

  1. This has a surprisingly low rating on IMDB, but I'd definitely recommend it. Lower class families in Ireland arrange bare-knuckle boxing matches and make videos of them talking shit, instead of just killing each other the old fashioned way. It has this weird, gritty, perpetuating, "when will it stop" kinda feel. In a good way. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1606259/


    And this is some local stuff...for me. A guy with mental disabilities (from a sketchy sounding motorcycle accident and hospital stay) yells about his balls for decades. The community rejoices, mostly.

  2. Does your point and shoot give you manual exposure options?


    It has the option to adjust ISO speed, so...yes? It looks like that, shutter speed, and aperture all fall under the term exposure? But I don't see options for the latter two.


    Yeah. Do a fair bit of reading on the basics, shoot a lot, do more in depth reading to improve on things you're struggling with, shoot a lot more, repeat, repeat, repeat. The more photos you take, the more mistakes/successes you will have and the more comfortable you're going to be getting the photo you want instead of just the photo that the camera is producing for you in full auto, or however you've been shooting.


    Don't be afraid to shoot the same photo a handful (or a whole bunch) of times with various settings/angles/framing/etc. Then, assuming you have access to a program that shows exif data, look at that information when you're reviewing your photos and figure out what is and isn't working for specific photos. With a bit of reading and practice, you'll quickly start seeing how you can shoot the same photo, from the same angle, with the same framing and simply by changing some of your settings/focal points/etc, end up with drastically different photos. Or how a slight change to your angle or framing can absolutely make or break a photo.


    Most of this info is assuming you have manual exposure options. If not, and you're semi serious about doing photography, there are a shitload of cheap, starter options I'm sure we can throw out to you to get the ball rolling.


    I've started doing more research. I've got the "shoot a lot" part down, just the more technical stuff is foreign. If you guys have more to say, as to not take up thread space, feel free to PM me. Or, if you think this info could help more users of course keep it public, I just don't want to hijack the thread for my learning purposes.


    Thanks yall.

  3. Not to be a dick, but the best feedback you're going to get is to do a bunch of reading so you do understand what the fuck an ISO is and all of the other basics of shutter speed, aperture, depth of field, light metering, etc. Generally folks in here are very helpful at answering questions/offering advice, but if you come out and admit you know nothing, there isn't much motivation for us to offer advice when you should just be digging through all of the useful, basic, starter info on the internet. Without the basics, any advice we offer up is more or less useless because it isn't going to mean anything to you.


    That's not being a dick, you're probably right dude. I've been meaning to spend more time on the technical stuff but just haven't put it at as high a priority as I should. Noted.

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