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Everything posted by wry

  1. those bars still runnin in the blood eh? lol
  2. grasp.. its all about lots of homo dog..
  3. thanks, i like the first one better, n the second ones okay, i just wouldnt claim it as my own ofcourse, just somethin to post
  4. tried doin something dif but ended up lookin like an msk bite..
  5. anything could sound gay.. why everyone get caught up in that.. im'a work on that sketch later.. due now till sunday.. that work for everyone?
  6. na stick to what nywheights said or dont do the battle. oyes, dont even worry what ppl say on here lol their just small font behind a screen(im not pickin sides btw). peanutpanties <3 relax bro.. who gives a rats ass.
  7. wry

    Orlando Thread

    LETS see some DAJAMAGE!!
  8. wry

    Orlando Thread

    that last mecro gave me a swelly
  9. lets do a battle.. nyweights u choose the name we'll do when we get enough down to do it
  10. the spill on the paper adds a cool effect, do another n do more them(on purpose this time)
  11. their 15$ thats including to send it out.
  12. wry

    Orlando Thread

    i agree rekal had the most letter structure considering the space they had, but that ser2 as a whole deserved to win. Slow prolly was a judge, n he knows what he's doin.. anyone hating is just jealousy
  13. a yo, yall niggas need to niggin post up sum fuh fuggin niggin flickz niggas, nigga bruhhz
  14. this'll be printed on black T's with silver ink, top to bottom
  15. i was gonna point out its pr, lol was a;ready brought up. bump
  16. pm me about how to get a shirt, thx
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