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Posts posted by I WRITE

  1. haha, this thread is dope! i got my back pack from my senior year the other day back from my friend and he threw away all the school work inside of it. i was fuckin pissed at him bc i know i sketched onm my shit all the time... i actually lost alot of credit on alot of that shit bc the teach didnt liek it too much haha..... but yea Dope thread.

  2. well if you dont have the money, you could always do that thing that? umm i cant remember what its called...










    lol i thought about it.... haha

  3. Where would be the best place to buy LEDs to make throwies? anyone know? I went to radio shack and they were like 6 bucks for like 3, I say Fuk dat. theres gotta be a cheaper version that i canget a mass quanity.... anyone know?

  4. Ill tell u what... tell me where theres a Flint Freights thread and ill post them there, but until than this is the closest im getting to what im lookin to post shit... find something else to bitch at me for. I got these flix from a train yard close to my house in FLint and figured u gusy would wanna see them. and so far it seems like a few people like them....

  5. haha... okay... i figured id post in here bc im from MI and i know that theres alot of good graff in this state and i knew i could meet some cool people. but so far ive met nothing but dicks with no respect for other peoples shit. Im not gonna change the way i write bc douchebags think its not up to their standards. fuck em. theres not one thing ive seen on this whole forum that i think is gay or shitty in any way. everyone has their own style. but whatever. ill dip. One.

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