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Posts posted by Vertigo

  1. Sank that 3d is on point. good job. The top of the S looks a bit weird. And the divet on the bottom of the K is a bit useless.


    Byne: work on your straight letters and 3d.


    Cola: your throwie is ill. Keep doin it man.

  2. i wasnt gonna say anything when you first made a post saying your gonna write verse but when you post pics that look a lot like a very established writer in seattle who writes verse i had to say somethin... STOP!


    wow, a "well-established" writer who always does simples? haha. fuck it, i have gone too for with this name to stop.

  3. first off are you a cop or a graff writer. second if you dont think this is tight you should be ass raped by some crack fiend in the ghetto looking up at an avik wall while you ass starts a trail of blood down the alley. hahahahahaha :D


    I am a writer. I have no respect for shit like that though.

  4. first off, you don't "bump" for crits.

    "bump" is like props.

    and it's garbage

    start with straight letters and tweak them a bit.



    Bump don't mean props ya dummy. When you bump something you just try and get it to be noticed.

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