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Everything posted by absolute.despair

  1. driving down a road in north portland today and saw what appeared to be legal shit on storefronts i dont get up there much but the shit looked good, drove by quick.... the only writer i was able to read was jukes. anyone got any flicks. (sorry so vague just dont want attention if illegal)
  2. ok here it is...... portland flic!
  3. i saw that shit like a week ago on there home page........ thought the vids were silly especially when everyone was throwing the led's on the public transit train
  4. at least pick up his book from skull press......... in sf or pdx at UPPER PLAYGROUND!
  5. i know my bad i just got off work and was serchin..... im a bit drunk and jumped to it?
  6. i cant wait till i get a chance to get tatted by this fool
  7. i'll post some pics soon........... throw down whatever you got, graff,tats, or canvas
  8. possible repost... 120z wouldnt upload any bigger?????
  9. i like shit painted by rivers.... it would be dope to rent a boat and see the banks covered in graff! Flick taken in PDX
  10. :confused: your right, I spend to many of my days sleeping till like 4:00pm:confused:
  11. Good guess, unfortunately you are totally incorrect!
  12. ^^^^^^^^^my bad the "QUICK LINKS" ^^^^^^^
  13. i just noticed in "quick search" you can subscribe threads.... im hoping you can add threads so you dont have to go through all the bullshit of searching around for them, if this is so how do you do this?
  14. when did that shit get buffed, i thought i saw it a couple days ago. i was stoked those ran for so long, everything else around there seemed to get some shitty half ass coat over them withn a couple days
  15. i couldnt get a good flic of the other wall (linus ect...) the sun was to bright.
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