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Everything posted by Cre8tiv

  1. Cre8tiv

    tattoo styles

    those are inmate envelopes and that should explain why the return address comes up a sheriffs office. Most correctional facilities are listed with the sheriffs name, ect. I sent a lot of these myself in the past.
  2. rebokerrrone - i like the S at the end. I don't like how the P and E overlap each other like that. take out one of the lines so it doesn't look like they were written over each other. same with the A and P. the colors are ok, but work on those too.
  3. DUSE, those stickers are straight. BouncingSoul, color one of those pieces in (or do a new one) and yea, like the other guy said, the KNE is small and the WS is HUGE. make the KNE bigger
  4. ^^^paintinglooks dope on that. the sketch threw me off, then i saw the paint and it looks better on the wall :) b0nez, THANKS FOR POSTING THOSE TRAINS. WILL KEEP AN EYE OUT FOR THE NEXT ONE!
  5. ^^^that 3d piece is sick. colors are nice on it as well. I'm waitin on you to post up that train template so I can download it and print that bitch off. :)
  6. ^^^you got a chart like that for the whole alphabet? haha
  7. b0nez, that template page is sick. let me know when thats available for us to download so I can print out a shitload of them.
  8. That up there is sick b0nez. adding any color to it?
  9. thanks mith. im going to continue working on it and pushing myself.
  10. This is what I entered in the VASE battle. My first ever with color. All i have right now is these sharpies. trying to get better before I go buy some expensive markers. crits please.
  11. Here's my entry. I know It WONT win, but its my first piece ever with color so I wanted to enter it. I am headed to michael's today to get some better shit than these damn sharpies.
  12. is it just me or is it hard as hell to read when people type like this? makes me want to skip over anything they say. I understand you TALK like that, but damn, WRITE ENGLISH!
  13. KASTO those are some nice pieces. I've seen some of those around. Going to post up a few soon.
  14. so, i take it this thread's over then huh? if someone comes up with a decent word for the battle, i'm down but the lack of structure in these battles is retarded.
  15. anyone got a date on when the felt full color is due?
  16. when is the due date for FELT in full color? and anyone actually going to enter a piece? I don't know if this thread just died or noone's noticing it?
  17. the R in general has 3d on the left, while the rest of the letters has it on the right. looks out of place. I love the letter structure though. working on the 3rd would make a piece like that a LOT better.
  18. I like the direction the second VARE is going in better than the first. something about the first one just doesn't look right.
  19. TALL_HOUSE, I was thinking the same thing. If people wouldn't do nothin but bitch there would actually be some good threads on this site.
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