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Everything posted by NFK ZOOLOGIST

  1. hunt FEC, dont think i fogot you nigroll
  2. yo shadow. you need to hit that bed. beauty sleep nigga
  3. sonnnn. Please cut out the all caps bid. And on the real I bet your style is not good, and probably stolen. Or good because its stolen. anyways big up Kching n not dyke
  4. bumped as for that stuff underneath all those H's, jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezzzzzz. life sucks
  5. thats mighty hostile....and mighty healthy
  6. nice neon flick old phone n cyke AreaKodeTerrorists
  7. all i can say is ahh....... what a time you chose to be born. you truly have not done enough home work. Im guessing all your flicks are compressed in files in a mac or pc. those of us who keep 500 flicks in a shoe box or binders full of history might know the deal. put it this way. Nobody in Mc got in easy. Work had to be put in through time. Dont hate one, hate all of us and see where it gets you.
  8. hear ye, hear ye...... for the love of the team.
  9. yeah true, livin off the system kinda puts you in a rut. The name aint change though buck......
  10. if you live by the sword you might die by the lead.
  11. I really love the hate niggas been sendin me. Askin the moderator to take off flicks and shit. All an ill scheme to point fingers. Damn, i had no idea I was that influential to you kids out there. So to you little boys and girls out and about with fingers doing the talking, im leaving you with this. No more 12 oucin for me, youve officially made me feel like a god. And im sure ill see fifteen messages with a fuck you or a shut the fuck up faggot or some other slang comment. Feel free. Ill be in the Yard, handlin my shit like i always have. And as for TUXEDO fuckin faggot friday, you got your 15 minutes of fame. But in a few years, Ill have my fifteenth year of it. To my crews, much love, even if it is just two more letters to throw up. I know yall know the difference between being humble about shit like that, and bein a dickhead tryin to impress. Ill see yall boys out there.
  12. Honestly fox. I cant believe you thought that shit was me man.
  13. those guys are heroes. bump da boy aestnsigh
  14. i really hope yall boys smartin up, cause war is bout to begin
  15. yo son. bikini contest popped off . partied with p.lo. and tasha had the fat ass son. off subject, but yalls shit talkin is hurtin my teeth. good times. You cant stop Mcrack
  16. sometimes i feel like a motherless child.
  17. naw but that is a low budget rip off of phones O-N and E! :eek:
  18. Makos mom got square nipples. Holla to party
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