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Everything posted by Cease

  1. is it just m or has anyone else noticed the similarities between poser's and matr's pieces?
  2. oh ottawa. can the rest of this be settled like this please?
  3. so just wondering as im not to this point yet. im assuming every or nearly every writer has been busted charged or what not. and so what does this lead to later in life any trouble getting a job? if so post it up if not maybe tell what your day job is (no details such as so and so works here no need to let the cops know where we work.) what busninesses really care if you have hefty "mischief" charges and does it effect getting a job? sorry if there is already a thread like this i gave a qick scan through and didnt see anything so feel free to delete if there already is one.
  4. montreal- had to mention this city, it has probably the richest graff scene in canada and i know many artists that have mentioned the cops rolling up while they were bombing and just searching them for drugs then letting them go with their paint. they are pretty lax on graff there because they know there are worse crimes then drawing on walls resulting in some of the dopest stuff youll ever see in a city not to mention legal walls on like every major street. any city where graff is socially accepted is worth a visit STOLEN FLICKS
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