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moment of truth

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Everything posted by moment of truth

  1. good lord there is a lotta shit in here right now ooow and bump bats shits hot
  2. linus hekto shue vrs roller hk roller
  3. nice jobber on that heaven shoes and who stripped that dreos lame havent seen anything in portland from that cat in a while, and bump ibd aswell
  4. someone have the flick of the huge vrs of the 405 bridge towards the couve
  5. bump spud... and from what i can see spud can paint circles around Too Many Ragdolls anyway.... oow and bump them old cobra hands shits sick an woot for rites and vrs
  6. so you did the 12oz tat yourself and if you didnt i feel sorry for you steady that hand or do it sober piece ow and bump vrs and outlaws
  7. yeah there is a name that goes with that face but if you dont know.. dont worry bout it just admire it
  8. bump who cares and that pert keychain
  9. bump the good shit fuck the bullshit
  10. bump bonus and meter and those diar fr8s get well soon
  11. i dont really need to have a say about the grefs but i have seen bot and ibd wins hands down
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