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..SmOeK 1..

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Everything posted by ..SmOeK 1..

  1. lol sorry i dont know all the slang so alot of what i read i dont understand some of it. but okay thanks, just i was going by what i know/hear from where i live. and Deco, you can you get some decent sized tipped ones? and like its a paint Marker right? or is it a type of ink? Tried researching it but didnt get much other than some small pictures.
  2. Really, so theres plenty good in bubble? Everyone says sharps the way to go. (also abit off topic but dunno where to post it so) Is there any good Paint type markers (if so, please tell me what they are and where i could likely find some)
  3. Yo obviously just signed up today so if this is wrong place just lemme know in a decent way, no need to flame me out for it. I just started not to long ago, like 2 weeks ago. Did some peices in my binder at school (on christmas break, so will post them when i get back to school). I started with TeCks-One now moved to SmOeK 1 and plannin to leave it that way. Just to pen and paper right now because i dont want to bomb something complete shit on someones wall. I mean its different if it were to look good but i have no skill in can control so im holding that off to I get better ideas. By the end of the month im hoping to use my first can of paint on a wall. Now for the question! Ok i live in Canada (Manitoba) and here there are very little skillful painters where i live. Mostly abunch of high/drunk kids running around with paint cans pissin people off. Everyone tells me "Never use bubble letters". People say using bubble letters show very little and lack of skill. Not saying this is what i use i have tried many different styles. I was just curious is this true. I looked around this forum and seen many skillful artists and i can say i am amazed compared to what i see around my trash town, so im going to come here for all my adive from now on. Thanks in advance. ..SmOek 1..
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