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Everything posted by bizack

  1. please dont make fun of danzig anymore...
  2. herse is doing the damn thing..love to see more flicks.
  3. all you guys win for shittiest piece ever...good job..go study for your math quiz instead of graffin it up
  4. cant read it dont need it...the tags i mean
  5. im trying to come see you wetback...just need a ride..
  6. any of you dudes got flicks from the inside of the espo grey amaze building?...you know what im talkin about...post em if you got em
  7. ebay's mad nice...helped a wigga out when he was homeless..thanx bro
  8. hersey's such a big tuff teddy bear
  9. when expert first started bombing broad street he had everybody beat..his taggs reminded me alot of old exacto tags..if any of you young cats remember him...awesome hand
  10. vital has one of the best hands in richmond...too bad hes to pussy to paint anymore. not that in one to talk...but burritwo..thats all i got to say
  11. bob one has a tight as hand to...and he is not in mc..even though he should be
  12. gotta love that old reup shit...ebt crew 2001
  13. thanx for stayin gangsta jade...one shot one kill
  14. seems like a fuckin suicide mission gunny..(billy zane) there all fuckin suicide missions..why do you think i keep comin back.. (tom berenger).sniper..1992
  15. no its tb one...also known as tbone in da riva
  16. love that cevs spot...feds and i painted it 10 years ago...i bet cevs was in middle school then..looks awesome though..keep up the thug work
  17. speedballin in a 24 oz can..only 1.99
  18. joose...9.9 percent alc/vol..caffine ginseng,taurine...way better than coffee..at your local hood market...now sponsering bob one..
  19. thats how a train is supposed to be painted...mc crew
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