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Posts posted by Cannibal007

  1. You see you would be COMPLETELY WRONG

    they DO OWN all of those flix as that is a flickr account of Mike White AKA Dondi's Brother

    i'm sure he has worked things out with Martha and Henry as to copyrights on those photos

    Peep the whole website http://www.dondiciakings.com/ which has links to that flickr account


    Luca i believe is dondi's mothers name just in case you were wondering



    One of those photos is MY photo, and I have the negative to prove it.


    I don't really mind or anything, but seeing them put a copyright symbol on my photo is irritating.

  2. tell your freind thats doing a paper that there is more about Cap then style wars. i only wish that someone would come out and say once and for all why cap did what he did.



    Why did Cap set out to destroy all lines?


    Anyone know of a CAP interview where he goes into details? Style Wars paints him as a stone cold racist (and a bit of a psychopath), but those who know also know that there has always been tension between ethnic races regarding the so-called ownership of graff (a preposterous idea, but let's go with it). Some argue that it is completely an invention of black subculture, but where does that put people like Taki and Phil T. Greek?


    Ok, so Style Wars painted him a racist, his more recent film exposure (e.g., Style Wars redux, bonus footage) seems to show that he is at ease with anyone, regardless of ethnicity. So what's the full story?


    Since he started his crusade to destroy all lines, I always assumed CAP was just on a joy ride, nothing else. So what was the deep dark ulterior motive behind his throwups? Inquiring minds want to know.

  3. page - i totally understand and agree. the one regret i have about this whole thing is that fools have to pay a grip for it. believe me, if i had a better way to do it that would have made it more affordable for everyone (including me, i had to order about 12 copies just through proofreading and whatnot) then we wouldnt even be having this discussion. However, the few publishers i stepped to in the beginning were not into it. didnt think there was enough of what people wanted to see. one well known publisher even told me it was too much like subway art. from a business standpoint, i get that and understand. if i was a publisher investing 10-15k into a book, i need to be convinced i could move ALL of them and make a profit - and the ones i approached were not convinced. maybe my pitch wasnt good enough, maybe i wasnt persistent enough, maybe i just didnt know the right people. whatever the case, i did know is there were ppl out there who DID want to see and learn about this shit. so it was with that alone that i decided to self publish with blurb. if i had a publishing deal tho, i could have made a book 3X the size - and it would cost less. the book in that photo is a very early version too btw. rest assured, there are still lots of ppl out there with extensive collections and knowledge (including yourself). hopefully, publishers will see what i have done and reconsider the idea that ALL graff books should be poorly written well designed neo fag street art books - then again, maybe, thats what the masses want to see...in the words of Ed Koch..time will tell.



    I'll be ordering a copy shortly. I'd be interested to know how many copies you printed up, or is Blurb a 100% PoD (print on demand) venture? Anyway, props and I'm looking forward to seeing it.

  4. To be honest, I wish I had never seen "Dreams Don't Die". The subplot (anything besides the graffiti was subplot to me) was horrendous. The whole thing was one giant cliche'. I ask you, could the kid have been any WHITER? I mean that kid was damn weird looking. Makes me sick just thinking about how that actor looked. Kirk was no better...fuckin baby faced baby-gangsta, with some fetal-alcohol syndrome. The cop was halfway decent, as a cardboard cop cutout. Overall a big let-down.


    The one scene I liked was when the kid busts out his marker and tags stuff when he knows he shouldn't.



  5. I'm not sure if the whole thing is a photoshop but the color definately is... But if anything that is closer to Federal Safety Purple Rusto then it is to Icy Grape... The cloud is closer to Icy Grape but the colors are so fucked up that question really can't be answered...


    Actually, I've seen other photos of this piece and the colors were quite similar to what you see here. I thought it was fake too when i first saw it

  6. the only absolute truth is this guy wayne made the name stay high famous. did this guy (in the youtube interview) write stay high 149 first? possibly. did wayne bite it from this guy? possibly. but not probably. it is recorded in subway art and in jack stewarts original dissertation that he lifted the stick figure from the saint tv show. also in jack stewart's dissertation stay high (wayne) is described as a tall slender black kid that was much older than his contemporaries (in his early 20s in 1971). how could a 20 year old mistake 2 JHS kids as being under cover cops. not to mention the countless writers from this era that acknowledge wayne as the original. im sure every name of every famous writer was written by some neighborhood kid local tagger before the person who made it famous wrote it...but that does not mean the famous one bit it from the local yocal. with the strong drug presence in the late 60s and early 70s in the bronx and harlem it is definitly possible someone else wrote stay high during this time. but if all this guy has is his word on you tube, no primary or secondary evidence to back it up (photos, credible interviews, documentation etc.), even understanding your "absolute truth" arguement it is still a hard pill to swallow.



    I'll settle this shit right now. The original Jack Stewart dissertation has a photo of StayHigh 149 benching, and it is WAYNE!

  7. Hah I was feeling suspicious about that one. Colors were too good to be true.


    Yeah, it looks really good, but you can see the train is blurry while the art is sharp. (They have photoshop brushes to correct for that, btw). I'm sure they just did drawings, not intending any more. Hell, photoshop would have been a godsend back in the 80s, would have helped a lot in planning and execution of pieces!

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