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Poop Shoot

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Posts posted by Poop Shoot

  1. stupid comment. so when you get up you don't care? so you do a fill or just take a tag and someone can write there name over it and you don't care????? stickers are still getting up fuck that douche bag up there.


    Who said anything about tags or throws or anyone going over anyone?


    A sticker can be removed. It's going to happen, because it can. You're doing fucking graffiti, you don't get to make rules up about who's allowed to do what with what. If that bothers you that much, don't use stickers.

  2. http://www.cnn.com/2013/02/14/world/africa/south-africa-blade-runner-shooting/index.html?hpt=hp_t1


    So, you become internationally famous for competing as a track runner in the Olympics despite being a double leg amputee. What next?


    Kill model girlfriend.


    On Valentine's Day. (Now I'm not into Valentine's Day really at all, but I don't think it's an appropriate day to off your lover)



    He didn't even use one of his military-grade weapon-like prostheses to do the job. FAIL.



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