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Posts posted by facemouth

  1. "I am SOOOO excited. The war with Iran (and the war that was fortold in the bible that will bring about the second coming of Jesus) is going to start today! "


    YAYY! Fiesta!

  2. Lets just close this thread. Thanks for the replies. There are no other facemouth's. Those rainclouds and robot are by Sonny in Chicago. The robot is by Phoneticontrol.. Peace.

  3. You guys are tough! Well, I'll take your word on their being a 'Face' in Chicago. I figured its best to make sure. I'll stick with something original.. FaceMouth. Never heard of "neckface" until a few years into using the name FaceMouth. Occaisionally people mention the similarity. I don't know what to think of it. The guy isn't an inspiration to me.

  4. Hello everyone,

    I make art under the alias of "FaceMouth." I'm wondering if there are any writers out there that write "Face." I'm in VA, and I've been writing it for a while, but I figured I'd ask before I put too much time into it. Peace!

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