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Posts posted by VE.ONE

  1. why does i not see no titties on this bitch

    get your little sistrer off the internet before its too late

    i wanna see some fat girls with top to bottom wrapa round rolly janks

    spaypaint and rollaz only

    no woodcraft.



    dude keep my sister on the hush, haha

  2. the only thing ive seen dyke do that ive seen,is that shit and a couple of tossups heer n there , but if he did burn sum spot like you say he did , i beleive you ... my hats go off to em, but i have seen those kids he chills wif -pork -ace -mile..... their ok , but jus like straight letters n shit, ..............but me , id rather do sum pieces under a nice safe bridge wif bum shit by your feet, and a 40 in your hand your in heaven my friend! im too old for bombin, i think ive already had my time in the light , but that dont meen that dont go out,or stay wif a marker


    youre an idiot.


    mile is a crew. making it look easy

    you arnt up, youve never been out of the fan, and age doesnt mean shit, youre too much of a pussy to bomb.

    take your woodcraft marker and shove it in your eye.

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