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Posts posted by stapler

  1. a- isnt that a moderator call?


    b- since noone is posting classic transit fliks at the moment (including you) this is keeping the thread alive.


    BS. i dropped some flicks a page or 2 back.


    c- i think the people who visit and participate in this thread routinely appreciate the value of THESE freights and dont mind seeing them here. noone has objected but you.


    again: 99% of the other topics are about freights. keep em there






    maybe you're some kind of freight hater - which is fine, its your opinion - but i dont think anyone cares THESE freights are being posted. sorry to disappoint - but its not all about you, mate.


    I dont mind seeing them but in the right topic thats all. bring on the true stuff.

  2. never mind this stupid portrait. google "zwarte piet". its some fucked up xmas shit the dutch celebrate each year. ever been in amsterdam around xmas time? then your likely to have seen hundreds of goofy looking dutchies with shoe polish on their faces and red lipstick. its one fucked up little country.


    not as fucked up as your "we are living under martial law but he its america!" pisspoor excuse for a democracy.(presuming you are a yank that is). You dream on, dream of your reefer infested visits to the red light district were you probably could be found running butnaked along a canal with a buttplug sticking out of your arse... "one fucked up littel country" and you love it. get a life and go bomb a fuckin freight.

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