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Posts posted by <---

  1. why would you eat burgers in texas when there's so many insane bbq places to eat at


    Exactly! Not to mention the shitload of mexican spots. But I was under the impression that this thread was about fastfood burger chains. So I only mentioned the fastfood burger chains.

  2. I'm curious as to what all of you niggas' ethnic backgrounds are.


    Post the continents/countries from where your race(s) descend from.





    Couldn't really tell you. Would you like my social security number though? Maybe a mug shot? Finger prints as well? Maybe a scan of my birth certificate with my little baby footprints on it? Photos of all my tatoos? Would you like a hair too for DNA testing? I guess I should just tell yo what I write and give you my adress while i'm at it too huh?:lol:







  3. yo yo trip1 im tryin to meet up with you to see if ur a cop. i hope ur not cuz if u are i'll go to jail, but you seem reeeaallly nice so im going to take the chance to meet your wack ass or see if i go to jail. how bout friday at 8 at your place.



  4. LOL at dude trying to make excuses "he's like my son":lol:

    If my REAL dad tried to kiss me I'd sock the shit out of him. How many people kiss their dad? on the lips none the less? Espescially some old head that aint even your dad he just says you're "like" a son?:lol:




















































  5. If they're tryin to give you 3 years on some bullshit (like writing on walls) then fuck them. Bounce. Make it hard for them. But if you do, it will eventually catch up to you unless you have crazy conections like where you can get a fake id and social and just start over again. The way I see it is you're most likely young and 3 years is 3 of your better years and it's better that it catches up to you when you're older and have your shit together (and 3 years doesn't seem so long). Maybe have the wife and kid thing already started so you actually have something to come home to other than a halfway house. Make it hard for them motherfuckers and go to the opposite side of the country so they have to pay good money to go get your ass when you do get caught and fight extradition. Chances are they're not going to spend the money to extradite unless they REALY want your ass.


    What did you do?

  6. Graffiti writers bitching about sketchy neighborhoods and getting jumped and talking about how they never leave their block at night? You all sound like some scared suburban bitches. What has the internet done to you people?

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