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Everything posted by gnaskills

  1. peace, i usually don't say anything on here i just want to rep aids krew for bangin that good shit and makin me wet myself..please post more flics,fuck a beef with meen,fuck niggas talkin shit and not bangin,fuck niggas who wasn't around,fuck the system,i'm movin to PA bitches,i really think that komar is doin a service to jersey graff,tank should practice more before makin shit hot for real bombers.if you don't sing R&B keep your whiny mouth closed.that dude NASK been doin his shit for 10+ years,i love to write fuck talking.shouts to DRAFT YOUTH<CDC MECRO<MEDOW FORSAKN>LOSER DZEL>ALOTS>YODER>THENSKI>T-DEE>DEUS>WHATFOR>HACK>ELU>SKUM>LNR>AND the rest of the real writers in New Jerusalem........
  2. what is fuckin with emo crossin kel out .is that dude on missions to make himself unrespected as a writer.i remember when you could walk around and see skill on the wall it seems that now you everyone feels like beef is the dope shit.sidebusting is the new wave.disrespecting the dead, not only the dead but the fathers of thier mentors' styles...i think that it's up to the older ,moreseasonedgraff writers to mold these young toys and men(because it all comes down to suckers and the insecure..) forreal between little billy who just watcheda grafflic.or soe dude whos big brother knows that writer from such and such crew it makes it harder for peopleto just fuckin paint...we are on the east coast and that means that we haveto be a different breed to SURVIVE....fuck some quick fame ..then you locked up for some shit cause they need a vandal squad for the TOYS..i would rather that the burners and blockbusters were the cause ...instead of some scribble on someone's actual house ... we gotta be more progressive as far as a movement in order to have the lasting effect...i mean i write in permanent markers for that exact reason...... peace and for all the preemptive idiots who will nodoubtably respond with the bullshit... fuck you, and i do fight....fuck a gun we can be men and beat the shit out of eachother .then go paint.....
  3. yo bump A.I.D.S those cats are murdering the town plunderin more booty than a boat full of gay pirates.......
  4. Re: The Jimmy Hoffa's end zone cemetery...superthread FREE WERRRRDS MANHATTAN OLDSCHOOL KID.....
  5. son you sound like you get a paycheck at the end of your sentences........
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