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Everything posted by blackeyedispenser

  1. i don't know what this thread would be without you.
  2. is that what your graffiti magazine told you? michael jordan is good at basketball
  3. think before you make comments like this, that's personal info there. Commenting on this is not inttended to further beef. practice what you preach. " shamus"
  4. kids need to quit talking shit to each other on here. shits pointless
  5. I hear that. That shit would be good. All active crews swap shit and exclude would be snitches and cops. Half the fools on here don't deserve to even see street graff without getting off there ass and walk the streets. This site just helps nobodies/snitches/and bitches gain access.
  6. FOUL............only in this day and age would anyone so faulty and game-lame get allowed close enough to devuldge information like that. It is a very sad day is northwest graffiti. The code has been violated to the fullest. A moment of motherfucking silence please.
  7. Yeah I agree, people really need to just handle buisness off the net. besides cell phones 12oz conversations is the worst thing to happen to graffiti in a long time. bumpmalvoenergyres-q
  8. Warface,damn thats a good name. full metal jacket............show me your warface private...WHHHAAAAAAAAAAH!:D
  9. What is your deal guy? you have made it clear that you will never let it be known who you are and you know you wouldn't have the balls to say all this to anyone anywhere but on 12oz. Your making yourself look very weak and petty. Why are you so affected by these kids anyway? sounds like some weird jr high girls bitter crush. Your a creep
  10. aaa is a force to be reckoned with wether you like it or not. Its like that new movie "300"
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