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Everything posted by fast

  1. after giving this book a proper sit down and look. i would definetly recommend getting this. his pics capture the moment really well.
  2. i have three 35mm cameras. im hoping to get a polaroid and a digi soon. i try to take pics of fillin throwups and pieces etc. no hollows or tags unless there is something cool about the pic artistically. i try to not only document my graf but the people i paint with and the cities i live in. i didnt get pics of alot of stuff i wish i did early in my career and am kicking myself now. also when i was early in my career no one told me to separate my collection and back it up whatever so i lost my whole early collection of pics in a search warrant. now i scan all my pics and keep it in a separate hard drive than my computer. and i keep my developed hard copy pics and negatives at a different address than i live. in my opinion you should document and stay on top of it otherwise you are gonna start getting all backlogged on the pieces you havent got pics of yet and it builds to the point when your collection gets out of control you just say fuck it and stop documenting. i have a bad memory and without my collection i wouldnt even know i painted half the pieces i have without the pics to remind me. also its jokes to smoke a fat spliff with a couple painting friends and look back at all the wack pieces and damage you did when you were young. and i also recommend start documenting when you first start writing. cause not only will those be some of your most memorable pics but you have to learn how to take pictures of graffiti too. to get a good pic is not as easy as it seems..especially if its on something that rolls.
  3. some good pics...was expecting more...still good though
  4. at work stealing flicks off flickr. taichung.
  5. why wasnt there an mber thread until now??? bump mber FR8 king
  6. fast

    Hong Kong

    just got back from hong kong. was there for a couple days for chinese new years. seen KB crew, xeme, facts, chek, dabs, noe, ceme, BNE, start from zero, mouse, karse, KCW crew, and fast4C up in the city. hong kong writers keep bombing. i'll be back soon. oh yeah and keep this thread alive!
  7. 12oz says im "lurkin" so i guess i gotta make a post pics courtesy of saym
  8. more taichung pics taken by same
  9. some pics from taichung by sayme
  10. some taichung pics taken by saym
  11. nice stuff going on in australia. if anyone from australia is up for trading hard copy pics. send me a PM. i got canadian. taiwan. US. europe walls and trains
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