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Posts posted by jae999

  1. 1800s photographers:

    Joseph Niepce

    Louis Deguerre

    Henry Fox Talbot

    Sir John Herschell


    Frederick Scott Archer


    these guys invented processes to make images permanent


    some other early photographers that are worth studying:

    Alexander Gardner

    Roger Fenton

    Timothy H. O'Sullivan


    there are so many others that have contributed to the history of photography. i'll be back later with some more names

  2. www.myphotopipe.com this place will do what you want at a reasonable price. something you might want to think about is how good will it look when its blown up. was it shot with a digital cam? if so how many megapixels was it? was it shot on film? if it was shot with a low megapixel cam you'll see noise in the photo when its blown up that big. if it was shot on film at a decent ISO like 400 or lower than it'll look alright
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