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Posts posted by redstripe

  1. It has been waaay to long since I've hit this thread up...


    First Choice - Let No Man Put Asunder


    This is a killer, and super rare track out of the UK from '82. The other side is super good too. It was produced by Roy Carter of Heatwave...

    Distinction - Looking For Love


    Caroline Crawford - Coming On Strong


    Sandy Barber - I Think I'll Do Some Stepping On My Own


    Rozalin Woods - Whatcha' gona Do About It


    Logg - I Know You Will


    Sun - Dance (Do What You Want To Do)


    Affinity - Don't Go Away


    Duncan Sisters - Outside Love


    Darwin's Theory - Keep On Smiling


    The Chimes - Beginning Of My Life


    Al Hudson - Spread Love


    Billy Frazier and Friends - Billy Who?


    This one was actually produced by Randy Jackson (from American Idol)...

    Wanda Walden - I Must Be Dreamin'


    Grey & Hanks - Dancin'


    Hamilton Bohannon - Save Their Souls


    Fantasy - You're Too Late


    Apologies if any of these have been posted already. Enjoy!

  2. I'm gonna try and make it down for that!^

    I'm still going this Friday (the 4th), and any suggestions would be awesome.


    That Mr. Peabody spot looks like it has good stuff, but they are selling a lot of stuff way overpriced. I'm not paying $39 for "over like a fat rat"; I just picked it up today for $3.

  3. The last record fare I went to, I wished I was a suicide bomber. I went a little too late because by the time I got there it was the assholes with their girlfriends hour. The asshole looks at one row of bins and his girlfriend stands at the row next to him looking around like a bored 10 year old.


    I'm prone to hating record fares for the general reason that I hate many crowds. I also can't stand trying to pay while the guy in front of me wants to pretend he's Wikifuckingpedia. "Yeah, I have a copy that was printed on a brown vinyl 45 and the dust cover is made from bible pages and the only other person to own it is one of the guys from Nitzer Ebb. Yeah, for real!" I just want to buy my fucking records, I don't want to sit and mentally jerk off the guy who's jacked all his prices up $5 bucks for the day.


    Fucking record fares.


    I'd like to check out one in Chicago though, mostly for house records. Plus they're serving Saki. That shit is heroin to me.


    haha! The worst is when you come across fools who front like only certain ears are good enough to hear the music.


    I fucking hate when music becomes and 'elitist' novelty that is hoarded and used for 'status'. If some of these so called music enthusiasts truly believed in their music, then they would share it with the world, not act like a secretive child and 'one-up' everyone else. So much great music is slept on, why not do your part and spread the love? I love this thread, I just woke up hungover with paint on my hand, I am not ranting on this thread without contributing!....... Chemise - She Can't Love You Boogie-Funk banger a bit later than a lot of the stuff here, but I am in love with this era of music (early 80's) and I will argue that it is part of the golden years.


    Cheers to everyone sharing great music!

  4. Great thread, Great crew! I remember seeing the videograff with Sub and Emit back in the day.


    Lead killin it too...


    This crew has really owed defined their own style, especially when it comes to fill in designs and painting approach.

  5. Thanks man. I always say I'm not a "DJ," I'm just playing music for the cubicle people. I think there are a lot of people out there who need it, so I don't mind being the soundtrack for the cubicle jungle. It's good to know I'm helping someone like that.


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