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Everything posted by atdibloodbrother

  1. its not contrasting opinions, you were wrong, and i was right. maybe next time you wont assume things about people on the internet who you havent met, fag.
  2. youre right, that was a bit much, but i guess it just really pisses me off when people talk about things they obviously have no idea about. animosity USED to be breakdown "metal" as you call it, its actually called "deathcore" and its lame as fuck and trendy. i guess its metal for jocks whatever the fuck that means, i just think its interesting. and the band are not a bunch of fashion nerds what the fuck are you talking about? youre making yourself sound like a hunge dumbass now, when i saw them live the singer had on a faded as fuck charles bronson tshirt (if you know who that is) and a flipped up urban waste trucker hat (if you know who that is) definately not fucking fashion nerdish to me. haha and theyre sound is crisp, ill give you that. its not lo fi or anything, but its helllla funny that you said titles longer than the amount of lyrics because on empires the length of the titles is like one word for most of the songs. you really need to shut up because its coming apparent that you dont know what youre talking about. and just because im calling genres what they really are, doesnt mean they suck. you obviously have no idea what thrashcore/powerviolence/real hardcore is or else youd understand what i mean by it. i guess i put too much effort in this, but its cause youre a huge dumbass and i like making people like you look stupid.
  3. Job.For.A.Cowboy BoRn.Of.oSiRis SuIcIdE.SiLeNcE sikth As blood Runs blAck INTO THE MOAT hahaha fuck dude you must REALLY like breakdowns
  4. not at all! obviously havent heard them. if anything theyre like dying fetus with like rush and steve vai rolled into one. stop generalizing bands just because of the label theyre on or the kids that like them.
  5. yeah dude, i know who insect warfare and unholy grave is...kinda why i said i wanted to go. animosity catchy? maybe on shut it down when they were gay deathcore (and i havent heard the new one) but empires has like stoner rock and like mindless ridiculous solos on it for that exact purpose, plus they change time signatures/tempos every 3 seconds. youd know it wasnt "hardcore mixed with br00tal tech metal" if youd listened to it, but being the closed minded person you probably are, im guessing you saw all the lame ass kids with their shirts and wrote em off. i guess theres a few riffs on there that are mildly catchy, but for the most part, its pretty much relentless. i dont know how you could listen to that cd and not consider it metal - oh right, you'd have to not know what the fuck you were talking about. also, pretty sure there're no "double bass solos" whatever the fuck that is, and if there were im pretty sure insect warfares entire set consists of one giant one, considering theyre grindcore, and they have double bass. about the irritating fluff...im guessing you mean "the really hard to understand confusing stuff" yeah, that makes it better. dont get me wrong i love grind and thrashcore, powerviolence and hardcore (real hardcore...not gay trashtalk or hatebreed or whatever the fuck you think i like) but i also like stuff that a little more complicated. ps, you eat shit, stop assuming things about people you dont even know, you fucking faggot.
  6. I'm guessing everyone's talking about the show with unholy grave population reduction and like insect warfare? i helllla wanted to go to that. animosity doesnt suck, its just some people just dont understand them and people hate what they dont understand. im sorry theyre not completely in 4/4 and dont have super catchy riffs. some people listen to music thats a little more complex than that.
  7. Re: Don't Call it Frisco for everyone hating on orfn http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Px4_Olfcdjc
  8. graffiti is supposed to be grimey and fuckin dirty looking. not fucking legals and nice shit done with a ton of free montana. and if you think a one flow is weak try doing one, instead of sucking marc eckos cock all day or whatever it is you fags do out there.
  9. no. if i absolutely HAVE to buy paint im going with dollar cans.
  10. are you kidding me? orfn has not only been in the game for 10+ years, but because of his experience he has INSANELY good can control and his shit is not only ridiculously well organized but its some of the most original graffiti there is not to mention his little face that he does is a fucking one liner and on top of alllllllll that hes held san francisco down the whollllllllllllllllllle time. so shut the fuck up and when youve been "taggin that shit up" for ten years no matter what the cost then maybe you can say something. you fucking idiot.
  11. not really. its good but its not that good and it gets old by like the 4th time.
  12. new york style is fucking played out. put it on a marc ecko shirt and get it the fuck away from me.
  13. at the drive-in > mars volta cake 87 > cake hr
  14. modesto is sooooooopur weak. pretty much nothing kue except dale glur and sger. sestor destro beks killin the freeways right now though.
  15. Re: Don't Call it Frisco what the fuck are you talking about? that was a clean dale shot. that's all i was trying to say. now shut your fucking mouth and lets get back to the flicks.
  16. hahaha fuck you dude i went to the dome with you, asshole
  17. THUNDERDOME! this thing is fucking gigantic.
  18. Re: Don't Call it Frisco VeganAnarchy
  19. Re: Don't Call it Frisco ooooooooooh that klevr is whats up
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