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Everything posted by 1978Prez

  1. Lotsa tight stuff, too bad they got such a cry baby pussy like dime repping. -JOMESTER.
  2. 2007 hert sedat remix, hot.
  3. 1978Prez


    real slick, them lines is clean.
  4. 1978Prez


    he can get some skills then maybe ill care, doubtfull he still a TOY all day. -JOME 1978 i will no longer discuss this online, i will be back around there next spring and will follow in B.more.
  5. 1978Prez


    cause your mans toy! and i dont give a fuck about some one who bombs does fill ins i do fill ins they easy, i dont give a fuck about some one who hits streets thats the same thing as bombing remember. i hit streets they easy! i don think you can name a single dick rider from my crew considering there might only be one person out of my 4 man crew who writes my crew in baltimore all city ELI,
  6. to the kids who side busted chant spaler and JM, this is not new york city, dont be running up on my shit. find your own spot.
  7. 1978Prez


    syck is not much better than pose why you not hate on him? is it cause he rides dick?
  8. saw a sicr last night in portland oregon. fuck yeah moms holding down the carlinas, kicking ass and taking names.
  9. bump my man syke101 where he at thats my dawg!
  10. this is a joke? right you got piad, and are now doing a cover up?
  11. bump moms crew they paint.
  12. im better then alot of you dummy's gossiping and arguing, how does that make you feel inside?
  13. lynus and hitop are doing it right
  14. 1978Prez


  15. i dont see how its ruined or least of three, seems pretty equal, matched colors, and its a fucking straight letter, get of dudes dick . least he is making moves. fucking online toys you are pathetic.
  16. bonus jukes and spaler make this thread worth looking at.
  17. Hey,if some one was to visit portland, where would they find designer clothes? thanks.
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