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Everything posted by oc80

  1. yes. the truth is new slang. from the bay area (source of all new slanguage), meaning as you imagined, something legit, or up to snuff, if that's old enough to undertstand.
  2. hick putting in major stampage. any other outlines to show us hick? or just the one? i seen new hicks pretty much all city this past week from georgetown, to wallingford and beyond. kid has been putting in work with those stamps. props.
  3. the pics you ask for don't exist. grey never came up here. you are thinking of vendr jolts crease bisie amaze twist remenice. and only crease was btm.
  4. dang southend.. thoght you woulda posted them by now..
  5. dunce cappin' and kazooin'.. before it got dissed. jade btm pcf thr
  6. fuck wimbeldon. i ball and serve in america.. ouch, IED, sura, and nero. THR-BTM connection in Seattle. bad flicks for a weak spot.
  7. real fucking talk. some kids on some feminegativity.
  8. bruises and cuts and he goes to the hospital? man, so that's why it takes so long at harborview. oh, and zeal is the freshest thing out there right now. fill your shit in, homie! bump zeal. and ob1 needs to chill. i know it's pride parade and all, but my man is going too dumb with the bootsy ass shit. brah-brah, kram is burning you. think about that. fucks you up, huh? quit name droppin cuz you scared, clubs can;t help you, silly ass markanoid.
  9. like this? anyways.. we dream teaming while cats hidin' and schemin'.. Bow To Master and if you don't know what these next 3 are about, i feel sorry fer ya cuss cuss.. if you like it i love it.
  10. also bump gusto's all out attack. go go GSB!
  11. that's 40 out of 60 in a week. do it, don't doubt it, that's how you stay 'bout it 'bout it. bump ouch THR.
  12. God that nigga is having him some fuckin fun, keep smashin that steel Jizamayne When it gets dark He loves the Skylarks.... PEDAL TO THE METAL IN HIS TIE ONE CLARKS
  13. oc80


    how about some good handstyles please. The J word specifically.
  14. I really must voice that I believe that Jiggity is defeating the letter and not givng the D its proper respect with that merge of the two letters at the end. Otherwise, my ninja you is cold doing the damn....
  15. Damn my nigga Jeezo von Judoplex Rockafella works it. I dont think anyone out there right now is as well rounded as that nigga Jeezy, his ghetto report card is all A's...with an A++ in putting in motherfuckin HANDSTYLE. No other nigga can fuck with those classic SF bus flows with a gangster touch one second, and the next minute hes dumping upflare prints, next second its the circle...... Word up to the nigga that will tell you he was born to motherfuckin mack.....
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