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Posts posted by screambloodygore

  1. art school seems like a complete waste of time and money, all of the final project shows i have ever gone to have just been a total fucking joke. of course a few shine hard, but they would be with out the school anyways, people who suck at art will always just suck. they go to fucking art school and learn how to explain why there shit doesn't suck. can't polish a turd.


    just youtube that shit nurggie. dat art shit man..... nah son naaahh, tuck ya chain.

  2. me mums shop got a kick in last night, nicked all the tea, me dads got his teeth punched in trying to stop the hoolies and now is gotta fix his teeth. me brov was down in the tubes getting a panel but was spotted by they made an announcement but no body arrived him and the boys got away clean with massive panels.

  3. Speaking of Excess Hair


    I knew this one chick who was cute and all, but she had chin

    hairs that you could notice when you stood up close to her...

    what do you do in a situation like that? I could never muster up

    the courage to tell her she needed to shave that shit or laser

    it out. I never spoke to her again...but if you were me would

    you have smash or trash?





    fucking trash, straight up, i get so turned off if a bitch has any hair on her face. even pits gross me out and legs, hairy women are not hot. never will be.

  4. fuck man, they do have it right, if i am in some small stinky shitty cell i am gonna be mad as fuck all day and wanna do bad shit, if i am chilling in that baller room, working on drawings, climbing the wall i am gonna be cool calm and collected. america is too ignant to pick up on the little things that actually work.

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