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ur n deep

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Everything posted by ur n deep

  1. http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7091/7377714326_a42c60de58_t.jpg
  2. U aaaaallll need to get ur fukin story straight....he's a snitch cus web sum real ass niggas rolled up on em he fucking jumps in his zip car and begs a murhafucker to work shot out.and calls the police on people who threaten him...San quinntinn isn't for me for sum Ol.WANNa be MMA fiter ..that's a washed up STREEt ARTIST...fool don't fire shot but his own line work..if he wuld man up n go to the alley he gladly get scraped tough.but this fukin bitch is using the fact that he has permission for the mural and therefor the police will come to help your tough guy friends...fool won't b soon much more..isn't his shot straight trampled on everywher.???exactly..mark knows..also y waste paint painting his. Whack Legals cus in time were Gina take em...all comedy
  3. :lol: if i dont stop seein this fake ass weak ass shit...ima break this kids meth pipe in his ass.
  4. I'd smak the one in the pink...but the pale one is such a scary movie I'd make the both of em to get the fuck out
  5. Haha way to get kikd outta wkt u fucking smoker ..resk is ofa..in which one of the heads is ofa..slo as fuck..now we gotta go clean up the mistake n make the dub Kay tee dissapear
  6. Wen the blue building was being built he obviously climbed the scaffoling
  7. if u knew how they were done u fucks
  8. all goin over tank n evak....oh sacr too...fucking lames
  9. is that hyper n ginger over piper? what the fuck?
  10. keep right neer da beeeech boi yeeeee!!!...and i will b punchin dase in the face thas a promise.. also if i see piper ill sock that bitch like a man......shes acting like one!!
  11. dumb ass kid.... dont know shit.......vegas ass s moker
  12. Niño equals straight bitch mark graff jock self investigator lookin ass
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