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Everything posted by stopdeletingmyaccountoner

  1. i saw a cives 40t fill on a so. yonkers street spot that id like to get a flick of
  2. back in 87 he sold cracks and collected some dough stacks
  3. thc are highway kings lol.. i was in philly and i saw this monstrous BRAZE fill on a highway hi spot....kind of irrelevant but it was dope.
  4. gettin better, keep doin your thing man
  5. id like to see some old hudson line and old saw mill pics....
  6. that looked cooler driving by quickly than looking up close
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pzkuqn0NF1A make in graff is dead
  8. no idea. but jersey writers properly destroy their highways.....especially sape lately.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VTCmzvnO-eY
  10. and i just saw apocalypto and that shit was awesome.
  11. was janet difiore a man at one time? i like how since this dude got called out he hasnt said anything. better go make a new username and try again, officer. i didnt know westchester graffiti was serious enough to need its own task force. hopefully the recession will get worse so the buff will be dropped as an unneeded expense. and im already living off of beans and oatmeal voluntarily so it doesnt bother me.:lol: :lol: :lol:
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