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Everything posted by stopdeletingmyaccountoner

  1. thc has more spots than anyone and thats pretty sad
  2. cro proves that autisim does not prevent people from doing graffiti and being famous.
  3. "existence is a colossal risk. we can never know whether the way we choose to live is the right way (who is to say what right means).anyone who realizes this fully, who makes himself constantly aware of it, is bound to feel anguish, according to kierkegaard. such subjective truths, supported by no objective evidence, are grounded on nothing. literally. we thus come to know the nothingsness of existence, the utter uncertainty that lies at its heart. life is fundamentally tentative and elusive." :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: nothing matters go take up heroin!!!! oh and i microwaved my scrambled eggs today....big mistake.
  4. anybody got more flicks of this spot through the years?
  5. ahhh i love that last one...proper straight letter fillin
  6. big apple refers to horse apple referring to horse shit which was everywhere before there were cars therefore big apple refers to all the shit everywhere ok class dismissed
  7. i dont care what yall think graffiti doesnt have to be in the late 80s early 90s bronx/westchester style to be good. jurne is sick. im tired of seeing the same recycled crap.
  8. feelin the tempt straight letter..... sixcentz.com has some mez flicks too.
  9. that befly with the bones is fuckin gnarly
  10. unrelated but nice to look at. leave consuela. you're fired. "no, i stay. i clean."
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