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rubbish heap two

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Everything posted by rubbish heap two

  1. "Shit bro, check out this sweet ass bike I found in my dad's basement!" "Yeah man, Beyon-chee? Sounds awesome." "We should totally convert this."
  2. Interesting, I didn't know such an option existed.
  3. Did my last mass start track race of the season tonight. Got 3rd in the 3's...
  4. Looks like that Moots fork is 120 too. You check Sheldon Brown for the answer? Sorry I straight up don't know shit about 8/9 speed compatibility stuff...
  5. Don't quote me on it but I'm almost positive that it does, and the reason for it is mountain bike touring.
  6. I'd get rollers but that's me. Most people who own trainers seem to regard them as torture.
  7. Went to Laurelhurst Park and got two fun little courses set up: one longer loop for speed work, and one small figure-8 to do the fundamentals over and over. Got in some stair run ups, gravel, descents followed by barrriers to jump over, u-turns immediately following re-mounts... all that good stuff. We used these for barriers: which ended up working pretty well. My friend just had them lying around in his garage. I guess the real de facto cross practice course is at Tabor though. I know the Gentle Lovers run some laps on a circuit they have mapped out there... I'm gonna see about getting my friend from GL's to show me just exactly what. Either way I'll be heading there soon to practice cross skills. I also hear Pier Park is a good stuff. Haven't been there. My plan is to pretty much stick with the park laps and maybe some SS MTB, and in a few weeks get some uphill intervals at Saltzman or Leif.
  8. Practicing dismount/barrier jump/remount.
  9. No, that's not me. Just posted to say "fail". I was doing some of that today in the park though.
  10. Well man, props for admitting it instead of trying to pull some facade like half of the newjacks that would have you know they've been doing it for "the last 2 years in another city" or something. I'll give you some advice. Leaders are crap for the most part. A few of the more expensive frame sets may have potential but they seem pretty novice in their construction/company as a whole. Pistas are overpriced when you can get a Kilo TT frameset for ~$200. http://www.bikesdirect.com/products/motobecane/team_track.htm This is about the best deal for a start up track bike in the game right now. The components are on point on nearly everything, the frame is a smoking deal @ $800 full bike, and nearly everything should last for awhile. The gearing is track (48x15) and it'd probably a good idea to buy a 17T cog and maybe a new saddle but that's the most bang for buck you'll find in the sub-$1000 area.
  11. First cross race (and first stage race no less!) is coming up 2 weeks from today. Can't wait... getting anxious and excited.
  12. Do you only ride a a track bike and never leave city limits or something? Quick releases are fucking awesome when you're 20 miles out of civilization in Bumfuck, USA repairing a flat tire... not to mention a lot of times the skewer end can double as a tire lever if you don't have one.
  13. what? i didn't know you live in eugene.
  14. Probably had my worst day at the track all year today. Ugh. Got a bad starting position at the back of a big group but still managed to take 4th in the win-and-out first race, then promptly got a flat front tubular after. Burrowed a friend's Zipp wheel... on lap 4 in the second race some guy on a Trek carbon road conversion put his rim between my non-drive chainstay and crank arm. How neither of us crashed I don't know, but there's a nice little ding on the chainstay where it happened. I guess it pays not to make a quick panic when you hear a bang. That freaked me out pretty good and messed up my mental game for the rest of the day but I still sprinted for a few points and eased off in the final laps. Third race, got fucked over on some slow wheels/boxed in when the faster guys in the 3's were making their attacks. Same people I've been waiting for attacks and then hopping on for the easy draft all season, but it wasn't happening today. At some point I watched the dude that put his rim between my chainstay/pedal make a quick twitch and nearly ride into the guy right in front of me. A few laps later I felt a hop on the rear at some point half way through the race, thought I was getting a flat and said "Fuck this" and pulled off track. My first DNF in a race on track... thinking about calling it a season after one more match sprint day. I think I'm coming down with a cold too... or a flu? Swine? I dunno.
  15. It's too bad Hesh isn't here anymore... I wonder what he'd have to say about this:
  16. Word. I picked up a 32t cuz that's what they had at the shop. Got some used Truvativ XC-DH Team Risers too... gonna have my friend take a look at it then it's on for trail riding. In Eugene where I spend the majority of my time, the trails I've ridden seemed to be a pretty good mix of stuff... some rooty descents, some narrow single track, some long climbs with switchbacks added in, some dirt jumps built into the side of the trail... I'm new to this shit though so I can't really give that great of a description.
  17. Just found what you're talking about. Not mint but pretty good condition. Looks like a good deal as long as he's telling the truth and it indeed isn't crashed/bent.
  18. If it's indeed mint condition, the seller can get basically whatever he's asking. I'd say 1000-1600 frame/fork as a modest point of reference. It varies. People always bid those up high on eBay though. Acer - It's a Motobecane Outlaw 29er (http://www.bikesdirect.com/products/motobecane/outcast29_08.htm) with a few upgrades from stock (Shimano levers, Flite saddle, Thomson-like seatpost, FSA headset). Just picked it up today off my friend for $200. Gonna have my mechanic friend eye it over tomorrow - mainly the brakes need a little adjustment and the wheels could use a touch up truing. My friend really only rode it on the street - said it was "too slow" for him... well no wonder, I'd hate to ride a 29er exclusively on the street. Gonna swap out the 42t for a 33t tomorrow (33x18 seems like a decent starter ratio), swap the garbage stock stem for a 90mm Thomson lying around and find some cheap alu 31.8 risers to throw on. Then it's pretty much on... can't wait to hit some trails/single track here. Joker - we had a crash at the velodrome tonight with 4 laps to go on a 50 lapper... between turns 3 and 4 I watched another guy basically slide down the bank on his left shoulder, and then my friend in the sprinter's lane had nowhere to go and ran into him. 2 guy pileup... Candi ended the race after that. Bummer. I guess the guy sliding down chopped a wheel before that and wasn't really looking to his side before changing lanes. I was feeling good up to that point too, but still got scored into 3rd with my points. Surprisingly I think that's the first time I've been in a race with a crash at the track...
  19. Can't really go wrong with the Kilo TT. It's a solid frame for cheap.
  20. Triplesuplex - rake looks lower but not that chainstay. Probably just a straight road geometry bike. You can always measure, too. Those weren't stationary bikes... they're real bikes attached to rollers with a fork mount. That's pretty much what goldsprints are. They don't really reflect athletic ability or anything, just how fast you can spin your legs. Acer - I think I'm gonna close the deal on this 29er tomorrow. Got a few questions for you... I can upgrade the fork out to this in the long run: http://bikeisland.com/cgi-bin/BKTK_STOR20.cgi?Action=Details&ProdID=886 for disc tab option. Would running a front disc brake/rear V-brake be chill? Any problems I'll run into? Also I'd like to build up a tubeless wheelset when the Alex rims eventually run thin at the brake walls. Something like these ZTR rims http://www.notubes.com/ztr_rims.php with some Sapin Laser spokes... got any cheap hub options? I don't need bling, just dependability... I was thinking Deore LX or something. I can handbuild my own wheels so that'll cut down a little on expense.
  21. Which is where the audible "HEYGETTHEFUCKOUTOFMYWAY" comes in.
  22. Yeah, good deal. The prices will blow up on those as people that have been riding track bikes for years move into gears. The C-dale Crit is in demand for sure after all the lust after the early 90's Cdale track. You can eye out crit geometry by looking at the fork rake (a bit less of it) and chainstay length (mainly, how close the tire comes to the seattube). http://picasaweb.google.com/ng.email/Goldsprints#5371718053121846306 Me winning the first heat at gold sprints last night... I ended up getting 3rd overall. Look at my dumb ass look at the projector before it was over haha.
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