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Everything posted by riddleboxxmcl

  1. wash dc heads that are in some lock down shit, the only things i ad gotten flicks of. they have some other way better shit. mad nigga miser older mise haster 1 to sape grim and saga and every one else, cuz i forgot your sn.
  2. what up DC?. damn i havent been here for a long ass time, i havent been fucken home in a long ass time. guess were my luckyass got me? a fucken wilderness program, ya i have been in the woods for a fucken 120 somethin days and then tomarow morning i get shiped off to some wack fucking school in montana. ya my life is pretty good right now.
  3. haha just look around and its so easy to figure out.
  4. .......were the hell is rock thrower when we need him
  5. ey relm i saw that shit you did over on the kensinton tracks. i didnt have a camera though
  6. yesur there is new shit there every week 2 spots there have gotten way worse. if ya dont know what im talking about pm me cuz im not going to make a spot hot by posting it up here
  7. its kinda funny that the minuet A.J. or rock thrower signs off, this thread falls to shit and random bullshit about how the dc scene is dead and allthat other talk above this comes out. you all can change this easily but all of you are on here conplaning about how no ones doing anythin...
  8. bump all that new/old school shit
  9. well it is bethesda... probably just another faggot who dosent know his shit
  10. riddleboxxmcl


    how fast is "quick" i cant amagine any one painting that in under a half hour in less its just an outline
  11. well, im assuming the bridge is in dc because this is the dc thread...
  12. im not a cop.... i just was asking because i couldnt tell who was on the bridge.... DC cops tend to know DC pritty well...
  13. its verry possible probably most letter combos for crew initials have been used before, as long asit dosent stand for the same thing its strait... why though?
  14. what bridge is that?.... and who's hit it up
  15. chemicals? what kind of chemicals and for what part of it?
  16. dc needs to go back to the way it was
  17. yes, finnaly this thread is coming back no lets keep it like this. keep posting them fliks nhi and aj
  18. ahh yes 291 ok i thought yal ment just above on this page
  19. were do u see a cast or a character?
  20. o, hahahaha i just kinda found it and thought might be a good way to end another boring page
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