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Posts posted by Murdoc1

  1. I don't see why people make a big deal about it, besides changing their names I don't see anything bad. Alot of people adopt, and even though it is a small feat, It still changes your life and theirs. You may not see the value in it but I don't see how someone can talk when it isvery well in your power to make a difference, but we choose not to or believe that our lives are stressful enough as it is.

  2. Just to recap


    If he was joking then maybe its a little ok, we make white jokes all the time (keyword: jokes) that aren't really even offensive, so you can't dance, who cares, we all know alot of ya'll can obviously, I don't remember Chris Rock making jokes about the holocaust or somehting like this, you can't compare that.


    Anyway it wasn't a joke, this dude was serious and his apology was more of a joke. He got heckled like alot of comedians do, and happens alot when you make jokes infront of big crowds. Its happened to me and I've never gone out like that, you make fun of the person and they put their head down as everyone laughs at them. You don't lash out like that.


    And its not about the N word, the lynching thing ain't a joke.


    And I loved Kramer and convinced my friend to be him at halloween, im a pretty comedy lovin dude, but this was sick.

  3. Wishing death on somebody is messed up if he ain't done nothing to hurt nobody like that. And why do people bring up the holding guns sideways things, I thought chinese military officers did that too..


    Yeah he should have died because he's making money and you have the option to listen to what you want but you listen to him so you can bitch about it. Of course Im not a fan, he's wack to me, but he gets his without interferin with mine, so in my book he's ok..

  4. I wanna put some of mine on here, but people crit handstyles too much, if theres one thing that reperesents you, its that..take some advice and change things but dont change tooo much.

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