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spam chef 95125

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  1. how bout butts up. i forecast a full moon.
  2. what most people dont know is, that jews pan fry the cut foreskin of circumcised babies, and eat it like bacon.
  3. lets kidnap rabbis, and force them to go streaking.
  4. jews are dying mysteriously in CA. I think that they have been ingesting pork when they believe they are eating kosher beef.
  5. Lets go bomb Israel. Well get like 250,000,000 cans of Motana, and Krylon paint, a million mean streaks, and another million pastys, and just bomb the fuck out of Israel, with anti-semite propoganda, and pro-american shit. make them bite the hand that feeds them, so in turn we cut them loose to all the vicious neighboring arab states, where iran, pakistan, syria, and egypt could all get buck wild on the kikes. damn the usa for liberating the concentration camps in WWII germany. worldwide eradication of the pest we call jews is imminent. i put a jihad on those matzo ball eating motherfuckers.
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