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Posts posted by jickrock

  1. the appropriate placement for a single shitty silver "S" is never over a dead man and a bombing legend.


    - 50 points and counting






    you also went over a throwup of mine from 13 years ago...bad start in the game bucko

  2. DSC06032.jpg






    i love it! great fill...fuck lead lol. i like that you got way more complicated on the fill than usual, looks really good, lead's just pissed that one of your letters isnt a silver throwup with a white outline lol

  3. nice ugly throwups over those jick fills lol...


    i see some BOWIE tags from jive and a dmand D we did lol...that ultra piece isnt still down there is it? it was goldfish belton, first time i had seen it...great color.


    jive had a bowie black piece with a terracotta outline next to me.


    saw a emty td sticker on a ticket booth on the highway in philly yesterday...fyi

  4. Its weird... I know. But F-it, I have a shit ton of scraps & a new Clash Red so why not! Did the background then 1 lined a freestyle Aste over it letting the background show thru as the fill. Threw some shading/highliting in & called it done. Enjoy!?




    i'll take 2 please

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