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Posts posted by eeeeee

  1. I haven't made stickers in months! This threads been pretty busy since then.. plus I don't have a camera any more and it's that rainy time of year... Does anyone have any tips for making stickers VIA computer? I've always used pens up till now and wanted to try something else...

  2. okay let me reword that, they definatly were just covering something that had been covered by something that had been covered by something that had been covered x10 ask the kid who did it




    I talk shit where ever I want



    but yeah ... rofl about giving a fuck about what some one said in the toy thread

  3. you couldnt tell those sucked in the first flick?

    EEEEE what do your slaps look like?

    always down for trades.

    the silver/black one looks ok, joei



    email me at braenwale@hotmail.com

    or just pm me


    I got various sticks here n there in different threads, just have a look, I'll be posting some new ones soon as they're all coloured in. They vary in quality if you ask me.



    some of those sleep sticks are ill teedubz



    n wildspitfire90 those skulls are pretty cool too, soon as I've sorted my trade with ketel2 I'll hit you up



    OH and ketel2 where ever thou be some of those sticks I did for you are coloured, I'll take pics soonish man, sorry about the wait.



    I ran out of papers the other day, I have some done but none that I think are great enough to send.


    Plus they're all at my girlfies house, she colours the sticks, so I'll take some flicks when she's done.


    However, hopefully by then I will have more paper and will have done better sticks.


    Sorry about not having my ass in motion pal :sick:


    peace! props!

  5. ketel2, when I'm not so busy with college projects I'll make you a pack and we could trade? PM me, I'll send you some rough drawings if you're interested just to give you a feel.

    you got any other designs on the go? I'd like to see


  6. teedubzzz I got loads and loads

    my mum and dad used to collect them, theres a big massive pile somewhere ... was showing them to my girlfriend a week or so ago but I'm not sure where they're at now.

    I heard something about them starting to make them again?

    I think a Garbage Pail Kids thread is in order.

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