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Posts posted by heirkb

  1. i jsut posted those cause ppl asked...im not gonna be makin that gheto p n t thang thang paint...

    i got a question though. ive been puttin bucket and thinner with standard ratios in mops for a bit now and even with the SQUEEEEEZIEST mops, i can only get drips on the first coupla tags. after the level of paint goes down bout an inch (in a 5 to 6 inch mop) say byebye drips. anyone know why this is happening? how do people keep gettin crazy drips until their marker is nearly empty? and dont say something like "cop junobo gee cause junobo be dat hardcore drippy shit cuzin"...

  2. heres the recipe for whatever the hell you wanna call it (The bad spelling is not me):


    ghetto junobo(idea by biz written by smooth)


    step 1:




    1/3white rusto bucket paint(whte paint only atleast for this step unless you want a metalic color than use crome)

    note:you dont have to use these perportions just make shure the paint is super thin almost like water


    step 2:



    mix in all the artist paint(its best to after you squeeze out all that you can you cut the tube in half and scrape the rest out with a old spoon) and mix it with your super thin paint makes shure you mix every thing up really good also make shure there are no paint clums cause the artist paint is super thick






    Fumers Patanted Ink!!



    3 pen inks (preferably black and red)

    300ml of methalated spirits

    two splashes of any perminent ink (corio,pilot,nero,grog)

    carbon paper dust



    mix all together in a bottle or jar and let it all sit for a day or two

    and you have some pretty mad ink its most definatly drippin shit and depending on how much carbon dust you da its fairly opaque.


    12ouncher ink(stolen for 12oz)


    For a window chalker the ratios are:

    1/4 Dot 3

    1/8 Black Liquid Acrylic

    1/8 RIT black dye

    1/2 Black archival ink


    Strange uk mop/paint recipe(i foundthis a hella long ago on uk forum but forgot what the forums name was )


    U NEED:

    1 Kiwi

    1 Part Lighter Fluid

    1 Part White Rusto

    1-2 Jars of Nail Polish

    1 Mixing Item (marble, ball bearing, etc)


    First open the kiwi and pour out the polish, then clean it all out...the nib too! Then drop in the mixer, then pour in the paint. Add the 3 jars of nail polish. Then, add the lighter fluid. Then close it. COMPLETELY. Put the cap back on the bottle and shake like theres no tomorrow. If u want less runs add more paint and less lighter fluid, if u want more runs add more fluid. As an added bonus it eats through paint, but it kind of picks up the colour it eats through.


    simple ink(by my lil rogue-e-pooh):

    Mix 3/4 woodstain

    3 drops dot 3 or fish oil capsules

    1/4 Good Shoepolish (not Kiwi or some shit)


    the old pen ink(by skater haha rember this shit homie).

    Good for insides, and is absolutely sexy on painted surfaces.

    Get a ten pack of ballpoint pens, a jar, and about 2 oz rubbing alcohol.

    open up the pens, get the ink wells and cut them into about 1-2 cm pieces and put in a jar. pour alcohol over it, close the jar, and then shake for a minute. easy! add a half tbsp gum arabic to it if you've got it, you can add acrylic paint to help it last outside.


    Probably the most thrifty ass way to get/mix paint for mops(also by skater6 ):


    so i finaly got my hands on one of those generic squeeze mop type bottles at hobby lobby, but i had nothing to rock in it cuz i was tired of ghetto krink. So i decided to try to mix a metallic color. i got my ghetto krink(rustoleum aluminum bucket paint and paint thinner), and a can of green paint from the dollar general. i got one of my mixing caps(those might be the heaviest caps in the history of the planet) and a heavy piece of metal, then let the can spray upside down on its own by putting the metal on it while it was upside down until it stopped spraying.


    then i got a nail and hammer, a large screw, and a screwdriver.


    i popped two holes in opposite sides in the rim of the can. one to pour out of it, and another to let the air flow. i enlarged the pouring hole with the screw, and poured it into a coke bottle with a funnel.(there is not a lot of paint in a can, most of the weight is compressed air). i the cap back on, and shook it and opened it to let gas release for about an hour. (its not so bad when your watching TV) so when no more gas released,i cut a soda bottle in half to use as a mixing bowl. got my ghetto krink and my green formerly spraypaint. dollar store paint doesnt need thinning!, but you might no be so lucky. if its still thick, add some mineral spirts until its the consistencey of milk. and mixed the two. i cant remember the ratios , but i ended up getting a metallic military green. im happy with it though.


    If your going to be mixing your own paints for mops and markers, i suggest you store them in glue bottles(depending on how big your batch is. my batch wasnt that much after i filled the mop. maybe i could fill it twice more. because when you want to refill it, you just open the tip and squeeze

  3. i can get all those staining chemicals from oink right? dont you sell em oink even though theyre not on your site?

    bout the ghetto paint junobo krinky painty rusto bucket thang thang mix, ill post it soon as i find it. i emailed it to myself...

  4. If you get a war head sour spray bottle, and you take off the actual white part that has the spray nozzle itself off, a mohair nib like the one on do em dirty mops ( i never tried them, but im sure all mohair nibs are the same size) will fit perfectly in it, snug too i may mention. And the cap to the bottle itself is on the body and not what you took off. So you have a perfect, small mini concealable mop.


    (for those who dont feel like spending the money, you can find the nib on AFTA spot remover applicators found at hardware houses and ACE stores, Also like i believe "Devour!" mentioned awhile back the marker that looks the same as the DOD mop, i think it was a Staz On Cleaner. And the war head you can find at any candy store im sure.)


    this discovery made me cream my pants.


    SEXY!!! is the body squeezy? i found staz at michaels but wasnt feelin the feel of the body...is the oink mop body really squeezy? it looks too thin to be squeezy...

  5. the blue and red old school unis are probly my favorite paint markers HANDS DOWN. the colors on those things are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sexy that they deserve that many o'. the red comes out like a flashing dark hot pink, and the blue comes out like a fluorescent royal blue. the first time i used them i just couldnt stop starin at the tag (i wasnt standing in the street im not dumb)...HELLA SICK...damn i cant get over it...

    the gold has been a bit disappoiting for me but thats prob just me...

  6. damn i dont know were to get fuckin leather dye, i only have the normal kind...alright im sorry that was an awful joke...i apologize again...

    about the pen ink though, ive made some with about 70 or 80 pens to 16 oz (2 cups) and its been aight but it hasnt been opaque black shit that looks like it would crush shit...ima scavenge around for more pens and hopefully get at least 120 in there...maybe if you use half leather dye and half alcohol you can cut the number of pens down to like 20 or 25 for 1/2 cup. ill try and see what happens


    EDIT: anyone know how some cats make gold GK? im really curious cause that shits ill...

  7. wish i had a old fridge to test my inks on...


    hahaha yea its pretty fresh...with this ill ass yellow gk i made, the fridge looks sexy. i got silver gk, yellow gk, violet ballpoint ink, orange latex paint, and hella colors of streaks on it...

  8. kids thats why i took the damn time to make you guys a guide for changing those nibs...hmm...people dont pay attention...

    UPDATE ON MY GUIDE: after you finished all the steps above, grab the plastic lip and pull it toward the sock and then use your pliars to clamp down on it...go around the whole nib doin this...if you want it to bend easier and tighten better, warm it up with some sort of fire and then bend it over the sock even more so its a tighter lip. otherwise, theres a chance that the sock could get pulled out with all the ink flowin through it and the surface pullin on it...


    by the way, those envelope moisteners at staples are ILL. i mean the ones with a cap and a long thin body. a lil yellow ghetto krink with the TINIEST squeeze got me MAAAAD drips...like from the top of my old fridge to the bottom...

  9. aight so i was diggin in this thread a bit and some cat said that they have dalos at michaels but a different brand. anyone know about this? apparently people have hella shit at their michaels while mine doesnt even have woodcrafts...

  10. oh hell no im not that damn cheap. if krink and the mop was 10 bucks i would cop like 10 of em...i was sayin that normally i wouldnt but thats so damn cheap that i cant resist. i would get a surplus and store it...

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