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Posts posted by HUSK

  1. More of Breaking Bads GENIUS!!!



    The crying clown seen as a foreshadow of of what Walt will become...





    All this comes from Walt. Also seen as Jesse becoming Gus, in a way, and also Walt, by being forced to cook meth.




    Finally if anyone caught the last scene in Ozymandias.


    The dog symbolizing Walter is lost, without a home, or family- Becoming a stray dog.






  2. I was so happy to see Grey Matter come back into the picture. I mean Vince said everything will come together before the end. Walt is already planning to avenge everything that is HIS in the drug world, yet now Gretchen and dude are taking yet another thing from him that is HIS. They always in the past acknowledged that Walt was a big factor in Grey Matter and now they just openly gave Walt up as a nobody. Needless to say Im sure theyre going to die.


    Jesse is an idiot in this past episode. I mean come on dude LOOK FOR CAMERAS! Todd though is a sick individual. He pulled some Off Mice and Men murder this past episode..."you see the bunnies? look over there" POP! Hes like the pedophile that is know to be the nicest guy in the neighbor hood yet has this horrible dark side. I mean he is fueling the start over of the meth empire. His uncle brushed it off like its nothing but todd brought it back.


    Is there some explanation as to how Holly came back home? I mean Im sure the firefighters saw a news report, but there is no explanation.


    Ok I lost my want to type..



    On the point of Jesse looking for cameras. This scene is worked out perfectly. It just shows how careless and emotional he is, to where he doesn't think at all, and just runs for it. Where as walt is meticulous with everything, and plans his every move. He would of known to look for cameras and go about it smarter than Jesse. It fits Jesse perfectly for him to be careless and full of emotion, to just scramble his way out of there. You got to remember, he's been in a nazi cage pit for at least a couple weeks to a month. Being beaten to a pulp, than treated like a "rabid dog" tied up and caged, he doesn't seem to be clear headed.




    Todd is trying to be Walter so bad, even going to the point of dressing up in a oxford buton down shirt and slacks, to meet Lydia. LOL!


    I can also see Lydia talking Todd into kidnapping Holly, to make sure nothing happens to her,Now that they're back in business due to the 92% bump in quality.... and thats a reason for Walt to go after the Nazi's as well. Some have speculated about the title also having a second meaning. Felina is has to do about a man who disappears, then returns to get his 1 true love. Which in Walts case is money! or possibly Hollly?


    "I think the song el paso is the biggest reason for the choice of the name. With it being an anagram and elements are just another little poetic thing vince likes to play with. The song is the story of walt and jesse. The song summed up is a cowboy rolls into el paso and falls in love with a girl named felina. The cowboy sees another man flirting with felina and feels compromised. He then kills the man and feels remoarse so he flees. Only to return later for his love and to die in his return to felina. Felina represents the meth and everything that comes along with. Walt and jesse both fall in love with meth and everything that comes with it. Walt poducing it and jesse using it. When ever they feel compromised that someone is about to take their meth the person compromising it dies and walt and jesse both feel remoarse for their actions. So now that Hank has died and the family is no more walt had to flee. He flees only to return with an m60 and ricin. Walt is going to go down to the nazi hideout and kill everyone. Once its just him and jesse, he will propose the idea to jesse that they take the ricin together and die together taking the meth with them since they will be the only 2 people who know how to produce it. I also think walt might use a little and finally try his product that ruined his life and walter white would never use but the new John Heisenbergh Doe most likely would giving the fact he's trying to kill himself. I also think this because it would fit with the last line of the song "one little kiss and felina, good-bye" but it also could be as a metophoric goodnight kiss as walt and jesse die along together with the meth. Here are the song lyrics for your own interpretation:


    Out in the West Texas town of El Paso I fell in love with a Mexican girl.Night-time would find me in Rosa's cantina; Music would play and Felina would whirl.


    Blacker than night were the eyes of Felina, Wicked and evil while casting a spell. My love was deep for this Mexican maiden; I was in love but in vain, I could tell.


    One night a wild young cowboy came in, Wild as the West Texas wind.Dashing and daring, A drink he was sharing With wicked Felina, The girl that I loved.


    So in anger I


    Challenged his right for the love of this maiden. Down went his hand for the gun that he wore. My challenge was answered in less than a heart-beat; The handsome young stranger lay dead on the floor.


    Just for a moment I stood there in silence, Shocked by the FOUL EVIL deed I had done. Many thoughts raced through my mind as I stood there; I had but one chance and that was to run.


    Out through the back door of Rosa's I ran, Out where the horses were tied. I caught a good one. It looked like it could run. Up on its back And away I did ride,


    Just as fast as I


    Could from the West Texas town of El Paso Out to the bad-lands of New Mexico.


    Back in El Paso my life would be worthless. Everything's gone in life; nothing is left. It's been so long since I've seen the young maiden My love is stronger than my fear of death.


    I saddled up and away I did go, Riding alone in the dark. Maybe tomorrow A bullet may find me. Tonight nothing's worse than this Pain in my heart.


    And at last here I


    Am on the hill overlooking El Paso; I can see Rosa's cantina below. My love is strong and it pushes me onward. Down off the hill to Felina I go.


    Off to my right I see five mounted cowboys; Off to my left ride a dozen or more. Shouting and shooting I can't let them catch me. I have to make it to Rosa's back door.


    Something is dreadfully wrong for I feel A deep burning pain in my side.Though I am trying To stay in the saddle, I'm getting weary, Unable to ride.


    But my love for


    Felina is strong and I rise where I've fallen, Though I am weary I can't stop to rest. I see the white puff of smoke from the rifle. I feel the bullet go deep in my chest.


    From out of nowhere Felina has found me, Kissing my cheek as she kneels by my side. Cradled by two loving arms that I'll die for, One little kiss and Felina, good-bye."




    - On the explanation for Holly getting back home is simple. The police put out a BOLO (in Ozymandias, the scene after Walt takes Holly) and gave out a description and news alerts, etc. Police and Fireman work together, so it wouldn't be that far fetched for a baby to be dropped off at a fire station, and for them to know who it was. Also if you go back and look there was a note left on her in the fire truck, most likely explaining who she is, and where she belongs.




    The note has the address on it.

  3. My theory (I have a few) as to whats going to happen is as follows.


    Walt will go back for his money. Killing everyone there, and find jesse, Jesse is like a son to Walt, since the beginning he's been more of a son than Walt Jr. has been. He will save Jesse, thinking he can redeem himself and they could move on. Jesse will kill Walt. Sort of like a greek tragedy, dying at the hands of his "son". Ever since the beginning everything that has happened to Jesse has been because of Walt. Now that he knows everything, there is nothing left for him to do but kill Walt. Walt did come to Jesse to cook, and everything since that has been because of Walt in a way(death of combo, the kid, Jane, and his other girlfriend), if Walt never came to him, he would still be hanging out with combo and Badger and skinny pete, life would be ok.So I think Jesse see's him as the reason he his life is shit.



    "Jesse speech about him loosing everything because of Walt"









    Walter will do the same ^ but before hand, kill gretchen and dumbo ears with the ricin for saying he's a"sweet man" and had nothing to do with Grey matter beside help with the name of the company.







    Walt will kill all the nazis get his money, leave it for Skyler some place, where she can go and take from it when needed for her and the kids. Walt will then turn himself in, but take the ricin before hands. So he confesses to everything, to take the heat off of Skyler, but dies days latter in a jail cell, inconspicuously of "natural causes- cancer".

    I hope this is what happens. I'm routing that Walt gets the money to his family, becuase for Walt, everything he's done will be worth it if he knows they are well off. Part of me think that's not going to happen though. It's just going to be him coming so close to getting them the money, but it's not going to make it to them. Leading to my final thought on how it will end.






    Marie will kill Walter. Think about it! She was talking about how good it feels to think about killing him, in "To'hajiilee" - We haven't seen much of her, since Ozymandias, where she is in the car with the police staring out the window in despair. I can see her killing Walt. Somehow, Walt will have gotten his money back and saved Jesse, Marie will come out of no where later on, and kill him. Maybe Jesse has a hand in helping her find Walt. They've both lost someone they love at the hands of Walt. They both would take vengeance.





  4. tumblr_mti041fwRt1sbapubo1_500.jpg









    "times are getting hard, boys

    money’s getting scarce

    times don’t get no better, boys

    gonna leave this place."










    ^ This point symbolizes Jesse letting go,becoming aware that he is about to die.Jesse looks to the sky and notices two birds circling, almost as a metaphor, for Jesse is on his way to be with Jane again.






    Breaking Bad and Walter White Apologists


    "The approach that makes sense — that seems reasonable, given what we know about this show, which for all its stylization is realistic about the messiness of psychology — is that Walter is not only a good guy or only a bad guy, nor solely a provider or a destroyer, nor solely or even primarily Walter or Heisenberg. He might have been a good person at one time; he has been a very bad person for a while now. That doesn’t mean there’s no good left in him, but it’s been so subsumed by Heisenberg and the fallout of Heisenberg that we can barely see it anymore, and even if it were possible to dig those good aspects out again (as he attempted to do, in his twisted and desperate way, in the phone call), it might be too late: hence the notion of Breaking Bad as tragedy. — Matt Zoller Seitz"




    Huell is still waiting....

    • Like 2
  5. saulgoodman-620x359.jpg


    Breaking Bad’s EP Vince Gilligan on the Plans For the Saul Goodman Spinoff



    Here’s the Spoilers For Breaking Bad Posted by Jim Halterman at TV Fanatic on Sept.13th, 2013.




    TVF: We got the news of the Saul Goodman spinoff this week. What’s the tone of the show going to be since Saul tends to lean more towards the comedic side of things?


    VG: I don’t think it’s going to be an out-and-out comedy but I think there is going to be more laughs and more comedic than certainly Breaking Bad was, though that’s not saying a lot, is it? But we always put as much humor as we could fit into Breaking Bad because I always felt that a show as dark as Breaking Bad would be unwatchable if it took itself too seriously and if it was relentlessly grim so we needed as much humor as we could find to leaven the darkness.


    With that in mind, if Breaking Bad is ratio-wise 75% heavy to 25% comedic, which is probably a fair guess, then I think what Peter [Gould] and I are thinking of is the Saul Goodman show would be the flip of that. Don’t hold me to that ratio but that’s the basic idea. It’s certainly not a sitcom but it’s lighter in general with some moments of real drama because Saul deals with some hardened characters and will have dealt with some hardened characters before Walter White.

  6. I logged back in to post in Breaking Bad thread, and to spread my ultimate wisdom of all things Breaking Bad.


    Remembering Hank Shrader






    "The mighty one has literally fallen, and so has everything he accomplished."


    Important Parallel: Walter White in Ozymandias and an artist’s representation of the toppled statue of Ozymandias. Walt is now nothing more than a broken statue of man.


    Honest Breaking Bad Trailer
















    Possible Foreshadowing.......








    5 Second shot with more thought put into most hour long dramas on NBC / CBS/ TNT/ABC








  7. Maybe its his response to how hurt he feels for Jesse having snitched on him.


    He told Jesse this, because he blames Jesse for Hanks death. He's doing it as a way to make sure he feels as much pain as Walt does. Sort of like a, look what you did, you're the reason hank is dead, and I'm the reason Jane is dead.

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