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Everything posted by thinksucks

  1. where is everyone?? where are the pics at?? im getting my camera back next week finally, ill have some up but come on.
  2. i know this is old but it was making me angry, pg is not the murder capital of anything. DC is the second murder capital in the country based on the most recent data,(2003), behind detroit, and DC is first in 01 and 02. and DC had more homicides than PG county in 04 and 05. read your facts before you go off saying shit.
  3. MPD** Metropolitan Police Department
  4. no one had feedback in the toy thread haha anyone have anything? http://image36.webshots.com/37/7/21/37/2221721370079247624RKtAAB_ph.jpg
  5. im so productive at work... anyone have any feedback at all
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